Internet Marketing

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Internet 'Big Dog' Secrets - The 5 Essentials For Success (Hush Hush Secrets)

What are the secrets of mega successful Internet entrepreneurs? Well personally I have had the chance to see how some of the big names in the Internet marketing industry work, and I've found that they all share similar 'facets' regarding the way they go about their Internet business.

So if you want to succeed massively in your own online business, here's 5 essentials you need (ignore them and lose!):

A subscriber list

You absolutely, definitely must build a subscriber list! It doesn't matter what business you are in, whether you are selling women's clothes or a digital information product, you should be building a subscriber list on your website. Let's face the facts, not everyone who visits your website will buy. Maybe at most 5 people out of 100 visitors will buy anything from your site on their first visit. So what happens to the other 95 people? If you don't capture them as subscribers, they are gone forever! So start building a list today!


Networking is absolutely vital in any business. When you make the right contacts, things begin to happen for you. You'll begin to see success faster than you ever imagined and opportunities will just begin opening up for you.

Selling skills

You must know how to sell on the Internet. Hey, you want people to send you money right? Then you must persuade them to buy your products! Spend some time learning copywriting skills to write better advertising copy and sales copy.

A business plan

You need a business plan to act as your 'road map' to online success. Remember, someone once said, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


Focus is the ultimate secret to business success. When you have your energy spread out too thin in too many directions, you will slow down your success or even never see it. Imagine studying for an important exam while chatting on the phone, playing a computer game and watching tv. Now imagine studying for the same exam without any distractions. In which case do you think you are likely to do better? It's the latter! So keep yourself focused on ONE business plan. See profits in your first business, before moving on to another project.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!


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