Lightyear Alliance Creates a Websystem to Automate Recruiting & Increase Front End Residual Income!
What stops most network marketers in their tracks? Fear of being rejected, wasting their time, feeling like they have been taken, not making any money....I am sure you can come up with other concerns. The point is the majority of network marketing reps use antiquated marketing techniques and predictably get poor results. Finally, a company gets it right!
In this article I won't go over the services and products the company offers. You can get that information very readily by clicking the link in the resource box. The point of this article is to share with you the websystem that Lightyear has created which will take recruiting to unprecedented levels. By the use of high quality video the director of rep training goes over the details of the company, it's many products and services, and gives highlights of the compensation plan. He also gives new prospects direction on how to get started once they are interested.
The new website is done dramatically and tells a very compelling story. In fact, it is so complete that most prospects will be ready to join this business WITHOUT a sit down business presentation! That is unheard of in the network marketing industry, and frees you to do the things you desire.
Lightyear has also listened to feedback from the field. Two major areas were addressed. Start up costs and front end residual income. The company has four different levels of entry, giving everyone the opportunity to join at the level that is comfortable for them. The main tool that new prospects must have in order to promote their business is a company website that is branded to you. Now, that tool, which includes three separate websites, gives immediate residual income! This too, is unheard of in the network marketing arena.
What does this mean for you, the new rep? You can comfortably enter the business at the level that fits your desires and budget. Now you don't have to make that LIST and set up all sorts of meetings. You simply ask someone to take a look at your website. The website goes through four distinctive steps that brings the new prospect along in their understanding of the business and its benefits. And, if the prospect wants a complete business presentation they also have additional access on your website so that they can view the presentations in the comfort of their own homes. Oh, your prospect speaks Spanish....No problem. The whole website can be converted from English to Spanish in a click of a button!
One of the most important aspects of this websystem is this...It is totally duplicatable. And, isn't that the whole point of network marketing? If you are a go getter, who has no problem talking to people, is that part of your personality duplicatable? Of course not. So, how is a new rep that is not as outgoing as you, going to be glib enough to approach someone, ask the correct questions, and then sit down and give a compelling business presentation just like you? The answer, they can't. And, the follow up concern, they may NEVER be able to. So, that system is NOT duplicatable.
So, we must create a system that is so easy to use and implement that everyone feels comfortable using it. How would you like to simply give someone the URL of your website, and let the website take over? That is what Lightyear has designed.
But don't believe me...Make sure you click on the URL in the resource box below to experience it yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised!
Dr. Alfred Santoro is an internet network marketer who is passionate about helping people attain financial independence. For more information make sure you follow this link...
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