Plan Your Internet Marketing Strategy With These 7 Tips
Time is precious for internet surfers. You have 7 seconds to capture their attention before they are on to the next web site. Use these tips to create an effective marketing message.
1. Get clear about your strategy by writing it down.
Having a roadmap of your internet marketing strategy ensures you have the resources and budget for each tactic you want to implement. You also save time since you won't have to do a lot of last minute scrambling for resources, ideas, etc. Effectiveness of tools and content varies depending on the audience. Be clear about what works best with your market. There is no reason to add video to your site if your client base is on dial-up. They won't be able to see the video and will probably become frustrated.
2. Coordinate and leverage offline and online marketing strategy.
Keep a consistent look and feel between your online and offline marketing materials. If your stationery, business cards, and post cards are blue and yellow, then your web site needs to continue that theme. Leverage your online activities by promoting them offline. For example, promote your ezine with a brochure you can distribute at networking events.
3. Know why you're communicating.
Whether it's a blog, a web site or an email, each communication with your reader needs a clear intention. That intention can be a call to action such as enrolling in your email tutorial. It can also be to show off your expertise and educate your reader. Whatever the communication, before creating it, know what you want your reader to do after they receive it.
4. State the benefits of your communication as soon as you can.
Whether it's an article, a newsletter or a web page, the visitor should have no doubt within the first few sentences that the information is valuable. Your reader needs to know what's in it for them from the start. Be as concise as you can while still getting your message across.
5. Connect with your reader.
Make sure you are creating an emotional connection with your reader. As a service professional, you probably find that easy to do in person. One way to create an emotional connection in writing is by pretending you are talking to one specific person and write to them. You can connect with your reader in several different ways. One way is to share parts of your personal life - like the fact that you have a cat or a dog and live in the country. Write to your reader as if you are having a telephone conversation. If you wouldn't use a word in conversation, you probably shouldn't use it in your copy either.
6. Get feedback before publishing.
I learned this lesson the hard way. Have someone else read your article, your web site copy, or your ezine before it goes out. The benefit is not just in proofreading for spelling but also to make sure the subject makes sense, reads well and is consistent with everything else you do.
7. Make reading and navigating your website easy.
Online visitors are usually looking for information to solve a problem and they are in a hurry. Your navigation bar should be easy to find. Readers need to be able to move quickly and easily between pages so make sure your navigation page labels are clear. Using more than three colors, or a background other than white makes reading online more difficult.
Nancy D Waring, Internet Communication Strategist and owner of OnPoint Communication Solutions, assists coaches and other service professionals more effectively manage their internet marketing so they can spend more time on their business. For more information about solutions to expand your business using the web, pick up her special report at:
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