Internet Marketing

Thursday, May 15, 2008

2 Unconventional Type Of Opt-In Pages You Can Use To Explode Your List!

It is always good to consider the type of opt-in pages you can create before building your list. There is always the traditional opt-in page with a sales letter format and an opt-in form, but here are 2 more unconventional ways you can use to create an opt-in page to explode your list:

Unconventional Tactic #1: The Video Opt-In Page

This kind of opt-in page has a video at the top. This video can be a tutorial video, or simply a call to subscribe to the list. This video can replace the bulleted points or be an addition to the opt-in page. Video can increase conversion rates. Do your own testing first to decide if video is right for you.

Unconventional Tactic #2: The Content Opt-In Page

This opt-in page provides some content in the form of an article or two before asking for the opt-in. By providing some useful and compelling information that improves the reader's life, he will feel compelled to subscribe to your list to receive more information. This tactic also works well to increase your Quality Score with Google Adwords, if you are using that advertising avenue. Because your page has more content, it is viewed more favorably by Google.

There you go, two kinds of opt-in pages you can test out to boost your conversion rates and subsequently, your list size. Go ahead and build your list now. It's your number one asset in your business. Create a video, or write an article. Act now to build your list!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!


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