Internet Marketing

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How To Generate A SEO Report For Your Website

Generating an effective SEO Report is one of the most vital parts of whole SEO process. Before you start Search Engine Optimization you need to have a full report prepared for your website. You also keep in mind which reports you would like to generate.

Title Tag Report
Title tag is important not only from SEO perspective but also from readability aspect. Title tag tells us all about your web page. A page title is like a human name and provides us much valuable information about the web page. It is vital to know that the tile for each page should be different and shall be coherent with that page content only. The title tag is enclosed in title tag.


<title>SEO, <a href=>PPC,</a> SEM, Search Engine Optimization | SwamiSEO</title> Not that the main website name is added in the last (optional)

Meta tag Keyword Report
The keywords are undoubtedly the most important part of the search engine optimization. The older search engine robots heavily relied on meta tags and keywords played a very important role in letting robots find out the information about a webpage. Most modern robots still rely on it but they now also utilize other methods to find out the most relevant page for any given keyword.

The keyword meta tag is enclosed in following element. Below is an example of keyword meta tag

<meta name="keywords" content="SEO, SEO Report, PPC, SEM, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimization"/>

There are no fixed guidelines for the number of keywords which you can include but obviously you should not end up in over utilizing this feature which can jeopardize your SERPS position.

Meta tag Description Report
Description meta tag is brief details about the page and it shall be kept brief. An example of description meta tag.

<meta name="description" content="SwamiSEO is London based SEO Company offering Guaranteed top 10 position in search engines."/>

Body Text
All the content between

<body> </body> tags constitute the body of any web page. This is the place where all of your main body contents is. It is noteworthy to remember that the search engine robots do not see the page in same way as human eyes see. They read the page in an order. So the order of body text is also important and you should take care of it. A good SEO report shall generate the body contents and should provide a description of it.

H1 tag
Some of search engines give importance to H1 tags so you should insert H1 tag which can be the main keyword of that page also the placement of the H1 tag is important.

H2 tag
Though optional you should also check for the existence of H2 tag in the page Body.

Though optional but choosing the URL for your website should be considered with utmost importance. If you gave already have your URL registered then you can do nothing about it. But if you are still thinking of a suitable URL then keep it matching with your website's main keywords.

To sum up a complete SEO report shall consist of following:

* Title tag Analysis
* Keyword Desnsity Report
* Keyword Meta tag Report
* Description Meta tag Report
* Body Text Report
* In page Link Report
* Link Popularity Report
* Outbound Link Report
* IMG ALT Attribute Report
* Top 1o inbound Link Optimizer Report
* Keyword Density Report
* Keyword Prominence Report
* Page Rank Report
* Anchor Text Report
* Comprehensive Summary
* Suggestions for Optimization

Tools for generating SEO Report
There are many useful SEO Report generating tools, most of them are commercial but you can also find a lot of free tools which could be very useful.

SEO Resources
SEO Report has plenty of free useful resources available on SEO report. It also offers a free SEO Report sample to download.

Ajay Kumar Singh is founder and Director of SwamiSEO, London, UK based SEO Consultancy firm. He has expertise in offering Organic SEO, PPC, SMO etc. SwamiPC, SwamiLaptops, SwamiPcFinance, and SwamiWebDesign are his achievements which are not top in search engine results. SwamiLaptops is no. 1 out of 200 Million Search Results on Google India.

Visit SwamiSEO to find our more about the range of services offered by SwamiSEO.


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