Internet Marketing

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you are currently using article marketing and noticing that your website traffic and your sales potentials are dramatically dropping, I suggest that you energize your marketing efforts to pull up your numbers again. Here's how:

1. Improve on your titles. Make them more attention-grabbing and enticing by using powerful words and key phrases that can effectively push the buttons of your potential clients. Don't forget to communicate the readers' benefits or the reason why online users should check on your content. Keep your titles short but striking.

2. Improve your content. Pack your articles with valuable, detailed, and complete information that will help your readers better understand your topic. Never leave any stone unturned by not assuming on what your potential clients already know. Make your content easy to understand, direct to the point, and highly targeted to your potential clients' needs.

3. Improve your resource box. If your conversation rate is not impressive at all, I'd say rewrite your resource box and make it more powerful and enticing. Aside from your name, your website's URL, and your expertise, don't forget to include the benefits that you can offer to online users when they visit your website. You can lure them with more valuable information or freebies.

4. Write more. Dramatically increase the number of your inbound links by multiplying the number of your submission. Strive to write at least 5-7 articles per day or hire ghostwriters who can provide you with quality articles for reasonable prices.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to your website, blog, forums, and social networking sites to increase their exposure online.

6. Check your progress. Consistently check your click through rate and how your articles are performing online. Continuously improve on them until you reach your goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


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