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In this article we show you how to promote your web site for free using reciprocal links and online directories.
Reciprocal Link Meaning
Firstly, what does 'reciprocal link' mean?
Reciprocal link means that a web site links to yours and you link to theirs. This type of link exchange is most often free since both sides have something to gain. Whilst there are many reciprocal link exchange services online, it is simple enough to do yourself and thereby save money.
Building reciprocal links for your online company or business is necessary if you are going to get any free traffic to your web site.
Promoting Your Website With Links
Whether you want to promote your small or work-at-home-based internet business or indeed any type of web site, your first call should be link trading. The beauty of link trading is that it is a free, simple and very effective way to promote your business which is recognised by Google and therefore can increase your position in a related search.
Where many small business web site owners go wrong in this area is that they desperately gather every possible link; this may seem a good idea because your name will be 'everywhere' but, alas, it is not a good idea because if you link to a bad site Google will lower your place in a related search...Google and other related search engines count for most of the traffic to your web site so play fair!
Links from related web sites with high Google Page Rank are the best way to promote your web site for free so long as you play by the rules:
Here are a few tips on what Google looks for in determining your 'Page Rank' and ultimately your place in the results of a related search :
1. Links from Blogs and press releases are likely to increase the traffic to your web site.
2. Links from 'link trading farms' and 'banner exchanges' are likely to decrease your rank. The reason being that your are getting a link from a web site which has a subject not related to your own.
3. Links from .edu, .gov and .org web sites add 'importance' to your web site and will help your search engine position.
4. Links to your site using some of your'Devon web design by' are worth far more than an animated banner.
5. Links from a related web site that has a good Google Page Rank are worth their weight in Gold!
Finding Link Partners.
Go to Google and type link: replacing the 'sitenamehere' with the domain name of your competitor. You will now be shown a list of web sites that link to your competitor; visit each one of these sites and assess their Page Rank - you want to exchange reciprocal links with the highest ranking sites if possible.
You can find out a Page Rank by installing the Google Toolbar. If you'd rather not install the Google toolbar you can get a nice, simple program from that will tell you the Google PR of any web address you type into it.
How To Request A Reciprocal Link
Once you have found a site with good PR (start with sites with PR2 and work your way up the ranks as yours increases), request a link trade with a nice email such as the one below:
Dear Colleague
I am writing to request a link exchange on behalf of, a new online store that focuses on the sportswear market and offers discounts of up to 50% and free shipping worldwide.
I believe your web site would appeal to the same visitors as ours and ask you to consider linking to us at I would appreciate you letting me know whether you are accepting new link and / or when the link has been posted.
For your convenience I have added a title, description, URL and keywords below.
Thank you for your time.
Your Signature text
Online Directories - Be Found For Free!
Another way to promote your web site for free is to get listed in related online directories. To find out which directories you should list in, go to Google and type the subject of your web site followed by 'directory'.
For the best results in your reciprocal link building campaign, it is advised you submit to the top 10 results.
How To Add A Link To Your Website
Not all links are reciprocal - some online directories do not require a link from your site to theirs=easy and free ! However, most links are reciprocal which means you will need to add a link to their web site on your own. For persons who want to trade a lot of links, we suggest you create a seperate 'Links' page or contact us for a quote
Adding one or two links to a page is relatively simple and can be achieved by following the instructions below :
1. Cut and paste the code provided by your link partner. Typical code looks something like this : Affordable Devon web design
2. Once you have copied the code you need to add it to your web site. To do this, open the folder where you store your web site files and locate the page you want the link to appear on. Make a copy of this page in case you make an error.
3. Right click the page file and 'Open With - Notepad'. You will now see a lot of 'funny writing' which is HTML - the coding language of a web site. Scrolling through the HTML of your page, find a suitable place to paste the link then click 'Save'.
4. Now double-click the file and you will see where you have added the link (if it looks strange you have added the link in an incorrect place and need to move it).
5. Finally, upload the changes to your web site so that the ammended page appears online. This is done by 'FTP' which you can learn about at
Learn more at The affordable Devon web design professionals.
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