Internet Marketing

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Article Marketing vs Social Networking - Why Stumbleupon Traffic Makes Me Feel Unloved

Most affiliate marketers have experience it at least once. You go to check your site stats and notice that your site has gotten more than 5 times the amount of traffic you usually see in a month and all that brand new traffic has arrived TODAY. Your heart slams in your chest a little as you check the source and notice that it is StumbleUpon and all those crazed stumblers that have made your traffic go through the roof.

The problem is, and youll discover this the moment you start checking other stats, those Stumblers arent sticking around. The bounce rate nearly matches the incoming traffic and your Adsense account isnt exactly feeling the StumbleUpon love either. No one seems to be clicking on those juicy Adsense boxes at all. So you check your affiliate accounts. Affiliate earnings are better than Adsense money any day, right? Darn it! Those Stumblers arent buying anything either! What is wrong with these people?

Nothings wrong with them actually. Its just a different mindset and its common to all the social networks. Social networkers arent generally in a shopping mood when they are surfing Digg or Stumbleupon or Reddit. Theyre in the mood to be entertained and they want to be entertained quickly. So they move on from one site to the next, barely stopping to read what you have to say as they kill time looking for a fix to their boredom.

This is a whole lot different than what youll see when your article links are clicked. Your articles are usually found during a search at one of the big search engines. The reader is looking for something specific and theyve just found your article. If your article has managed to capture their interest and they actually click a link in your resource box, they are that much more likely to be interested in anything you might suggest for them to buy. Theyll also spend more time reading about the benefits and advantages of what you are selling so the bounce rate for article traffic is significantly lower than that social network traffic.

Sure, it often takes longer to see significant traffic from article marketing, but since that traffic also converts to paying customers at much higher rates than social network traffic, you need much less of it to fatten your wallet.

So stick to article marketing and leave the social network link baiting to the Flickrites and Youtubers. If you want to make money, slow and steady article writing wins the race.

Emma Martin loves to Stumble, but prefers writing articles to bring home the bacon. Article marketing is a brilliant traffic producer and method of pre-selling your buyers. For more tips on how to generate traffic and sales, visit her Article Marketing page to download a free copy of 77 Ways to Get Traffic. No email required.

Article Marketing - Your Headline Do's And Don'ts

Article marketing is a very powerful way of generating traffic and reputation for your affiliate marketing business. But you must work at it and do it right to get the great short and long term results that you hope for.

In this article, we will discuss crucial tips for writing your headline that will help increase your readership.

Whether you are writing articles for your affiliate marketing website, blog or to submit to other sites, your article will only attract attention if your headline is worded properly. The first thing that your potential readers and hopefully customers will see is your headline.

Write a great headline and they are hooked, write a dud headline and no-one will read your well thought out, informative copy.

Headline Do's

  • Targeting: Your headline must reflect what your article is about. Imagine coming across a great headline, you click on the article and find it is totally off topic. You would be really disappointed. Also the next time you come across an article by the same author, the trust is no longer there and you would probably pass. Make sure that your headline is related to the content of your article.

  • Teaser: Structure your headline in a way that tells the reader what they are about to read without giving too much away. Try to arouse their curiosity on the topic, make them want to click on your article to read more. A headline ' SEO can dramatically improve your website's traffic' will not have the same pull as 'Discover 3 crucial SEO changes you can make to increase traffic to your website today' Same meaning, different delivery

  • Tone: Hype is a rampant disease on the internet. As with most infective diseases, over-exposure has led to the development of immunity or resistance in the population. So many headlines are so over hyped that they tend to ensure your article will not be read. How often do you take time to read the article with a headline like this? 'How to make $50000 while you sleep, in just 2 weeks'. You want your article's headline to generate excitement but be credible. That way you present yourself as a credible business.

  • Keywords: Try to include your keywords in your headline. Don't overdo it. Including your keyword is good for SEO, and tells your reader what your article is about
Headline Don'ts

  • Tricks: Tricks will just irritate your readers and may offend them. It may come across as you insulting their intelligence. Your business should be presented as a serious business and resorting to trick to get readers will erode your reputation. There are all sorts of tricks eg keyword stuffing that may work in the short term, but in the long term will seriously hurt your business

In a future article, we will discuss tips on writing the body of your article to increase your click through rate.

Internet Marketing Articles for newbies and Affiliate Marketing Tips for newbies at

Why Quantity Rules The Roost In Article Marketing (And Why So Many Try And Fail)

You know, I see so many people submitting only a few articles here and there to article directories or using article submitters and reporting that they haven't made any sales yet. Many people give up after a while and stop marketing articles. Well, the reason for failure is quite clear. They gave up when they were on track to succeed!

The reason someone is not making any money yet from article marketing is because they have only written a few articles!

Some of your articles will make money, many won't. That's the name of the game. I've had articles with 1-digit page views after one month but others have exceeded 500 views after 2 weeks. That's the way it works. Just as some of your advertisements will succeed and some won't, you can't conclude after writing 5 articles that this highly effective and proven marketing strategy doesn't work. Fact is, writing and submitting articles is the top free method for gaining leads and sales.

If you want to make $500-$2000 per month from article marketing, you have to write articles in bulk. Your articles don't have to be the longest in the world, that's not the goal. The point is to put out short, quality articles by the truckload, so your success is almost certainly a guarantee.

Make an effort to write at least 5 articles a day, it won't take more than 2 hours after a bit of practice. You'll make some good money if you are persistent and follow this plan. Whenever you feel like giving up, ask yourself: Am I willing to do almost whatever it takes to succeed online? How badly do I want this?

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Sifting Thru the Fog to Find the Expert Writers of Our Time

The question at hand is - How can you determine if the author who wrote a particular article is an expert or not? And how on Earth can you go through 10 Billion web pages to find all the experts? Well in my estimation an online article submission site with over half-a-million articles and 50,000 or more article authors could indeed do this.

Does this mean that they should apply to the Department of Defense, NSA, Google Research or the National Archives for a grant to do the research? Yes, I believe they should. What about the information overload at half-a-million articles or the massive amount of garbage on the Internet these days - ah, precisely why such a system to determine expert status is truly needed in my opinion.

Yes, there is information overload, data smog or feature fatigue to consider in all of this and any online article submission site who decides to design such a system on their own accord with their own financing must only implement such a system that makes sense from a user standpoint, profit standpoint because whatever is implemented will need to have a decent ROI, otherwise why do it?

Indeed, presently whatever is done by an online article submission site must take advantage of the future, but also realize if semantic searching and Web 2.0 comes into the picture soon, Everything changes over night, thus it is best to be ready and be first to market, not be bogged down with all sorts of projects that may never turn a profit.

Can an Artificial Intelligent Search Feature sift through all this and only give results of the experts? Some say that it would be impossible to design such a searching tool. Well, I disagree to say it cannot be done now with current technology and AI theories of our day. I believe no one has thought it out. I am sure I or we could come up with something fairly easy if for instance we studied all my articles or let's say 10,000 of them.

We know what subject I am an expert in and which subjects I ain't and so we could play around with a program until which time it matched that reality, so therefore I believe it can be done, in fact, I am quite certain of it. I think giving up or quitting or concluding it is impossible is pre-mature, but in looking at the various ideas on how it could be done so far, I would say, based on this, none of these ideas presented thus far will work by themselves although a few might be a component of the total answer to the question.

Currently, we know that all too often Google or other major search engines do not bring back the desired results needed. Perhaps you have had this problem, I know I have and not just with Google either. Indeed, in frustration of this problem I have had long in depth conversations on the issues of false positives in looking for geniuses on the Internet with some experts in the field who have written 200 research papers on the subject at a major University. They have stories about this.

The Search Engines we have today are not good enough and most people are only semi-satisfied with them. Can a small online article submission site succeed where major search engines have failed us? Yes, because these smaller sites have incredible data bases and hands on experience dealing with these issues and determining who is an expert.

Incidentally, I know that our Online Think Tank could come up with the answer if we choose to take this on as a project, because, we have everything we need if we use the top online article submission site statistics. Since, I am a writer and I know "me" and my abilities; we should be able to play around with something and WIN, that is to say come up with the solution to the challenge - No Problem, it just takes a little time and availability to the data, it can be done, I know it can.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Powerful Article Marketing - 4 Effective Methods to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Article marketing, as millions of webmasters would agree, is currently the best website promotional tool that aims to drive huge, quality traffic to your website without the need to spend a single dime. As this marketing tool is easy to use and proven to deliver great results, it is currently the most used traffic-generating and advertising tool in the internet today.

Here are the 4 effective methods to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Quality. This is the most important element in your article marketing campaign. You have to make sure that all your articles are of high quality and well-written to increase your clickthrough rate and convince more people to widely distribute your articles online. As you know, the more people publishing your articles, the more inbound links you will be able to obtain for your website.

2. Title. Most new marketers ignore this element as they think that the quality of their articles is enough to stir attention online. This is but plain wrong and could be deadly for your marketing strategy. You need to understand that even before online users can check on your content, they would consider your titles first. If they are not intriguing and attention-grabbing, there is no way that your articles will be opened and read.

3. Optimize. Make your articles search engine-friendly so they will become highly searchable online. Download a reliable keyword suggestion tool to figure out which keywords are usually searched within you target niche and sprinkle them all throughout your content. Don't forget to include your main keyword on your titles too.

4. Publishing sites. Consider the page ranking and quality of traffic of article submission sites before you post your articles. Do not waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google as these cannot help you realize your article marketing goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Why Should I Give Articles Away?

Spend my valuable time writing articles only to give them away? Why would I want to do that?

If you believe that the articles that you write should only be shown on your site you are missing the whole point of Article Marketing. Article Marketing is the process of writing articles and submitting them to article directories for others to use free of charge. To some that may sound somewhat counter productive. Take it from me it is one of the best ways to increase traffic flow to your website. More traffic equals more profit

Publishing your own articles on your blog, website or in your newsletter is not enough. You need to have your name and website link spread across the web. Article Marketing can and will do that for you.

When you contribute articles to the article directories you will be give a resource box. In this resource box you can inform the reader of who you are, what you do, and where your website can be found. As part of the agreement with the article directories publishers may not remove or alter the resource box.

If you limit your article to being published on your own site the only people who will see your articles are the ones that somehow get to your site. There are literally millions of other sites out there who have visitors and these visitors have no idea who you are. Writing articles and allowing others to use them allows your name and website link to be seen by huge number prospective buyers.

With each article you write more links are created which lead back to your website. When a publisher chooses to include your article on their website, ezine, or newsletter more links are created. More links back to your website can result in higher search engine ranking. With higher ranking comes even more traffic.

Yes you should be writing articles and giving them away left and right. In fact you should be writing them as fast as you possibly can, submitting them to article directories, and being rewarded in more traffic.

Would you like to know how to use Article Marketing to drive traffic to your website?

Get my complimentary Report HERE and start the stampede today!