Internet Marketing

Monday, May 19, 2008

6 Email Marketing List Building Tips

E-mail marketing has been helping people make money for several years now. Unfortunately there are people who think that e-mail marketing does not work anymore. This is not true, and in this article, I want to give you six e-mail marketing list building tips you can use to make money even today!

1. Put your emphasis on building a quality mailing list. This means that all of your marketing efforts go towards getting subscribers. The quicker you get a quality mailing list the faster you will make money mailing to it.

2. Avoid spam at all costs. This means do not buy thousands, or even millions, of email addresses to mail out to. There are people who do very well with bulk email campaigns, but your goal is to build a quality list of your own and bulk email marketing does not do that.

3. Purchase a domain name that accurately describes what you offer. Point that to a splash page that you will build to get subscribers.

3. Use a splash page that you can quickly design to do one thing. Your primary goal with your splash page is to get the email address and the name of your visitor. You do this buy trading something of value for their contact info. This can be a free report, or eBook. The important thing is your giveaway is so valuable to them that they are willing to sign up to receive it.

4. Advertise your splash page anywhere you can. Put it in your signature file if you do forum marketing. Add a sign up form on your blog or website. Place classified ads for it. Promote it via traffic exchanges. Include the link to your splash page in your resource box of every article you write. This has been a few ideas on where you can advertise your splash page.

5. Once you have a mailing list you need to work at developing a relationship with each subscribers. Your goal is to become a trusted person that offers valuable information designed to help your reader. You will be able to sell to your list more easily the sooner that you develop trust with it.

6. Think long term in everything you do. Do not go for short money making schemes that can hurt your credibility. Your ultimate goal is to be able to work your list and make sales for several years. You can not do that when you are driving people to unsubscribe.

This is 6 email marketing list building tips that will help you build a quality mailing list for your future. Email marketing is not dead as long as you do it correctly!

Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his make money online website for hundreds of make money articles, ideas, and products. To see how he uses JV With Jeff, and Hands Off Article Marketing to help you make money, please visit his web site here: ---->

Article Marketing Traffic Power - 3 Steps to Burst Your Website Bandwidth

Articles are in high demand these days. The simple reason is that they have power to burst your website bandwidth with high quality website traffic. If you want to tap into this high traffic pulling power of articles make sure you apply 3 simple steps laid down below with every article you write from now on.

Here's a 3 block formula that will pump up your website traffic right off the charts through article marketing...

Step 1 - Optimize Your Articles.

Step 2 - Attention Grabbing Titles.

Step 3 - High Quality Articles.

The purpose of this article is to make sure that you get high traffic from your article marketing campaign. Here are high traffic pulling article marketing steps in detail...

Step 1 - Optimize Your Articles.

You must learn how to optimize your articles. You must load your articles with keywords in your niche so that search engines know the niche your articles are targeting.

Study your niche and research keywords that they are using to find information relating to your products and services. Then optimize your articles with those keywords so that they rank well in the search engines.

Step 2 - Attention Grabbing Titles.

Title is one of the most important part of your article.

If your title fails to grab attention of your target market, no one will read your article. If they fail to read your article know one will reach your resource box and thus zero traffic to your website.

Therefore focus on writing catchy headlines. I would suggest you to get headline templates on the internet. There are many copywriting ebooks that will give you fill in the blank headline templates that are really catchy.

Then make sure you include your article benefits and solution to problems of your target niche and use the templates to write catchy headlines.

Step 3 - High Quality Articles.

The only reason people are reading articles it that they are in need of quality information. If your article sucks and provides crap information, you will spoil your reputation and get zero traffic to your website.

Therefore it is very important to give your target market what they want, that is quality informative content in your niche. If you provide quality content this will boost up your name and reputation in your niche.

Do you want to learn how I do it? Watch this 'FREE Report' and Discover How I Created a Killer Cash-Pulling-Machine that Attracts 23,883 Visitors and Earns $6665.49 on Autopilot from just 20 Days of Lazy Work...

Free internet home business idea Report.

Murtuza Abbas has helped hundreds of newbies 'One-On-One' to start their internet home business...

Lightyear Alliance Creates a Websystem to Automate Recruiting & Increase Front End Residual Income!

What stops most network marketers in their tracks? Fear of being rejected, wasting their time, feeling like they have been taken, not making any money....I am sure you can come up with other concerns. The point is the majority of network marketing reps use antiquated marketing techniques and predictably get poor results. Finally, a company gets it right!

In this article I won't go over the services and products the company offers. You can get that information very readily by clicking the link in the resource box. The point of this article is to share with you the websystem that Lightyear has created which will take recruiting to unprecedented levels. By the use of high quality video the director of rep training goes over the details of the company, it's many products and services, and gives highlights of the compensation plan. He also gives new prospects direction on how to get started once they are interested.

The new website is done dramatically and tells a very compelling story. In fact, it is so complete that most prospects will be ready to join this business WITHOUT a sit down business presentation! That is unheard of in the network marketing industry, and frees you to do the things you desire.

Lightyear has also listened to feedback from the field. Two major areas were addressed. Start up costs and front end residual income. The company has four different levels of entry, giving everyone the opportunity to join at the level that is comfortable for them. The main tool that new prospects must have in order to promote their business is a company website that is branded to you. Now, that tool, which includes three separate websites, gives immediate residual income! This too, is unheard of in the network marketing arena.

What does this mean for you, the new rep? You can comfortably enter the business at the level that fits your desires and budget. Now you don't have to make that LIST and set up all sorts of meetings. You simply ask someone to take a look at your website. The website goes through four distinctive steps that brings the new prospect along in their understanding of the business and its benefits. And, if the prospect wants a complete business presentation they also have additional access on your website so that they can view the presentations in the comfort of their own homes. Oh, your prospect speaks Spanish....No problem. The whole website can be converted from English to Spanish in a click of a button!

One of the most important aspects of this websystem is this...It is totally duplicatable. And, isn't that the whole point of network marketing? If you are a go getter, who has no problem talking to people, is that part of your personality duplicatable? Of course not. So, how is a new rep that is not as outgoing as you, going to be glib enough to approach someone, ask the correct questions, and then sit down and give a compelling business presentation just like you? The answer, they can't. And, the follow up concern, they may NEVER be able to. So, that system is NOT duplicatable.

So, we must create a system that is so easy to use and implement that everyone feels comfortable using it. How would you like to simply give someone the URL of your website, and let the website take over? That is what Lightyear has designed.

But don't believe me...Make sure you click on the URL in the resource box below to experience it yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised!

Dr. Alfred Santoro is an internet network marketer who is passionate about helping people attain financial independence. For more information make sure you follow this link...

Survival Strategies

1. Do the moneymaking things first.

For an entrepreneur, generating income is the most important job. Without income, your business will cease to exist.

2. Develop a sales and marketing plan.

What are you selling? Who is going to buy it? Where and how will you find them? Establish your sales goals, and then view your plan as your map to reach those goals.

3. Follow your sales and marketing plan.

While plans do sometimes change, one of the biggest challenges faced by entrepreneurs is how to be proactive rather than merely reactive. Having a plan in place and following it allows the entrepreneur to move the business forward.

4. Do at least three things every day to promote your business.

In the immediacy of day-to-day business life, it is easy to let sales and marketing activities fall by the wayside. Keeping on top of and servicing existing accounts seems to always take precedence over developing new accounts. But without new accounts, there are no future accounts! Keep your momentum by doing at least three sales/marketing/promotional items every day.

5. Do the things you do well. Hire people or partner with others to do the rest.

You cannot expect yourself to do everything perfectly. Even if you did, there are not that many hours in a day. Do what you do well. Do what makes money. Delegate the rest.

6. Delegate appropriately and effectively.

Find people whom you trust to do what needs to be done. Be clear about your expectations and their responsibilities.

7. Give employees some autonomy in their decision-making process.

Once you have the appropriate people in place, let them do their job. Micromanaging is not a good use of your time. You have hired your employees to do the things you cannot do or do not want to do. Let them do it.

8. Encourage employees to think creatively.

Encourage an atmosphere of ownership and responsibility by allowing employees to offer suggestions, make changes and discover new possibilities.

9. Minimize paperwork and bureaucracy.

While accurate records are important, records and paperwork are meant to help, not be an end in themselves. Always ask yourself if a particular procedure helps or hinders. Decide what to do accordingly.

10. Schedule time to have fun.

Enough said.

Wendy Weiss, The Queen of Cold Calling & Selling Success, is a sales trainer, author and sales coach. Her recently released program, Cold Calling College, and/or her book, Cold Calling for Women, can be ordered by visiting Contact her at Get Wendys free e-zine at

2004 Wendy Weiss

7 Must-Know Rules for Article Marketing

If you are just getting started with article marketing, or if you are still learning about article marketing, begin on the right foot. Here are seven simple rules you must know (and apply) in your article marketing campaign.

Rule #1: Make a plan. Before you begin writing articles, sit down and set a few goals for yourself. Know what your purpose is for marketing with articles.

Rule #2: Create a list of directories. Knowing where to submit your articles will save you time. Decide where you'll submit your articles. Create an account at each website and bookmark it.

Rule #3: Gather article ideas. You should never wait until you think you're ready to write a few articles to compile ideas. Jot down ideas you have every day. Keep a small notebook handy to write your ideas in. When you're ready to write articles, you'll have a miniature gold mine of ideas waiting for you.

Rule #4: Write fast. Lots of writers struggle over writing a perfect copy the first time around. Forget about it. Write fast, letting your thoughts flow onto the page. Once you're finished with your draft you can edit as much as you like.

Rule #5: Check spelling, grammar and word count. Before you submit your article to any directory, be sure you run a spelling and grammar check on the document. If you tend to forget to do this, write yourself a reminder on a sticky note and place it on your monitor screen.

Rule #6: Include a well-written resource box. This is the most important, and often most overlooked, part of the article marketing process. Always include a resource box with your articles that creates a call of action to your readers.

Rule #7: Be consistent. You can't write a handful of articles and expect huge results. Article marketing requires persistence and consistency. Plan long-term and you'll start getting amazing results from your article marketing efforts.

By the way, you can make money by writing articles just like this. I'm

doing it right now by following these methods:

Article Marketing - How To Quickly And Easily Promote Your Business On The Internet!

If you are not using the power of article marketing to promote your products, you are leaving serious traffic on the table. This is one of the closely guarded secrets of savvy Internet marketers and you want to give it a try.

Once you wrote your article, you need to submit it to directories. You can do this manually and it will cost you nothing but your time.

It is a quick and easy way to establish yourself as the expert on virtually any topic you could think about. Webmasters and other ezine publisher need articles on a weekly basis. They often have several websites in different niches and they are just waiting for your content.

Don't forget that those websites tend to get high search engine rankings because they receive thousands of fresh articles every single day.

Just piggy back on their traffic!

An other advantage of this form of promotion is the number of backlinks you will receive. This will increase your page rank and your website will get better rankings in the search engines. Be sure to link to your own website with the right keyword rich anchor links.

There are many submission website like article post robot, article marketer and hundreds of other softwares. Are they effective?

Well, I must say that you need to test. It's a fact that submitting your articles with isnare is cost effective, but I guess that Google will not count all the backlinks in your favor (although Yahoo & MSN will).

Article marketing is a business itself, and you want to be part of it. As I said above, you must learn, but don't take other people opinion for granted.

Test everything, cut your losses and let your winner goes.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 5 Hidden Secrets to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing, or the process of writing and distributing articles online, is an inexpensive but effective marketing strategy being used by millions of webmasters to augment their website traffic, secure good page ranking, generate more online revenue, and establish their names as an authority in their chosen field.

Here are the 5 hidden secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Identify and establish your objectives. When you know what you want to accomplish, you can easily adjust your marketing efforts to meet those objectives. For instance, if you want 10,000 additional page views on a daily basis, you wouldn't want to settle for one article per day, would you?

2. Consider your potential readers when writing your content. Every word and information that you will present on your articles must be targeted to their demands. Learn their preferences, needs, and problems so you can effectively meet those on your content.

3. Carefully choose your topics. If you want to drive targeted traffic to your website, you must write about topics that are being looked for by your target market. Write about your products, services, business, or other topics that are highly relevant to your industry.

4. Pick the best article submission sites. Manually submitting your articles can be exhausting and time-consuming, but your efforts will pay off if you choose publishing sites that are highly visited and have higher page ranking. These sites can give your articles maximum exposure and they can also increase their chances of being read and republished.

5. Steer clear from using idioms and clich's. Avoid making your articles sound like any other article on the internet. Strive to fill your articles with content that are fresh and relatively new to your readers' eyes.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - 4 Great Steps to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

In growing your business online, it is important that you know how to establish your expertise online so people will trust you and consider you as an authority on your chosen niche. As you know, people will only transact with marketers they like and trust. One of the best ways to communicate and impart your knowledge is by writing and syndicating your articles online.

Here are the 4 great steps to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Consider your target market. Always keep your potential clients in mind when writing your articles. Make sure that every information you share is useful to their pressing issues or areas of interest. When you are able to address their needs, you will easily build rapport and trust with them that can lead to fruitful business relationship.

2. Write more. In article marketing, it is important that you are able to produce more articles to strengthen your online presence, make your readers feel that you have so much information to offer, and generate more inbound links for your website.

3. Offer only quality articles. People gauge your professionalism and expertise based on how well you write your articles. If they contain blatant grammar errors and too many misspellings, you can be assured that your future articles will be ignored. Avoid that from happening by making sure that all your articles are well-written and free from any kind of errors before your post them online.

4. Write a compelling resource box. Increase your conversation rate by making sure that your resource box is enticing, compelling, and attention-grabbing. Include your name, your expertise, the problems you solve, some achievements, and your website's URL. It would also help if you can offer incentives like free ebooks or free articles to anyone who visits your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How Can I Earn Money At Home Without Paying?

Earning money at home without paying a costly out lay is a lot easier than you think. The internet has made this possible in several ways, and mostly through individual affiliate programs, or through larger affiliate network companies and the like.

Most of these companies do not charge you to participate and earn money; in fact most of them will give you your own website, hosting and domain name absolutely free of charge. They will also supply you with marketing material, software tools, and top notch support systems to ensure your success.

Why Do They Do This?

A lot of internet companies are trying to build company awareness and branding which can be an expensive measure to undergo. The other thing to bear in mind for such affiliate companies is the wider exposure they can gain by individuals such as your self wanting to earn money at home; you become a very valuable asset to the company and most of time you will be rewarded for your extra efforts

How Much Will I Earn?

Each affiliate company will vary in the commission rates they pay you, starting from 10% through to 75% per sale you generate, whilst others will pay you a flat rate per sale. Other companies also offer bonus sales targets for you to meet, furthermore increasing the amount you can earn at home.

How Can I Find These Companies?

There are many reputable affiliate companies available online and unfortunately there are some that are not. Try to find a company that is most suited to your needs to ensure greater success of sales and income and make sure you can contact the company for support if you need it. The program should be free to join as to ensure you can earn money at home without paying.

Do You Want To Make $10 000 In Commissions Without Paying? Make Money with Forex - Without Trading A Single Cent!

Article Marketing - The New Way To Advertise

The web has moved from its original base to what is known as Web 2.0 and with this move marketing and advertising has evolved greatly. Article marketing is now largely used in place of tradition advertising. This is the writing of various articles instead of an advertisement as we know it. Many Internet businesses are now using this as their main form of advertising.

It can be fun to write articles for article marketing. When you are interested in the topic of the article, the task can be even more enjoyable. In addition to being fun, you can increase your profit, which is always a plus and can greatly improve the quality of your life and your ability to enjoy it.

It is not that difficult to compose copy for article marketing purposes. What you need to pen unique articles is to be conversant with the subject and to be creative in your approach to writing about it. Since we all differ, it's easiest for each person to compose text on a area of his or her particular interest. If your commercial enterprise is your own most preferred discussion topic, it should be a breeze for you.

The most vital element in article marketing is fresh copy. If you don't post something new which is interesting, informative or controversial, your audience has no incentive for coming to your website. You have to engage them emotionally if you want to make them purchase what you are trying to sell.

To achieve this, one should be sure in include useful information and titles that will draw readers. Once a person is visiting your site the job is half complete. Web surfers tend to be in a hurry and want information without being required to sift through other information that does not interest them. Articles should strive to provide readers with everything they need to know in a concise manner.

Article marketing can be an enjoyable pastime. Composing articles on a variety of subjects will broaden your vocabulary and your knowledge base. You will learn more about the subject you are writing about. Your income will grow when people see you as an expert in your field.

Online surfers are a unique and ever expanding audience. The online arena has lead to news methods of marketing. Once of these is article marketing. This type of marketing is a new concept to most people. Rather than a traditional ad, unique articles are written to draw people to a particular site. With unique content and interesting subjects, these articles are intended to increase traffic. By using creativity, a site has a lot of control over its ability to increase traffic, and in turn, increase profits. They can publish as many or as few articles as deemed necessary to keep traffic at an optimal level.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 7 Tips to Thrive in Today's Market

In today's changing market, many real estate agents are wondering what to do. Some have gone through a cycle of shock, disappointment, fear, and now confusion. What seemed to work in yesterday's marketplace isn't working today, so what to do?

The truth is that there are many opportunities in today's market for success. This article will give you 7 tips to thrive in today's market.

Tip 1: Listen to the media with discernment

As you know, the media likes to paint a negative spin on everything to get more sales. There's a saying, "if it bleeds, it reads." Lately you've been hearing a lot of scare tactics from the media. When you're buying into the ideas that are presented, notice how you feel. Do you feel motivated and raring to go?

No, you probably feel demoralized, unmotivated, and downright scared. Guess what? As you feel these feelings, you are radiating energy to prospective clients that stop them from wanting to move forward. "Whatever you give out comes back to you multiplied."

That might explain why your phone isn't ringing.

Tip 2: Look at the facts

The economic forecast is actually quite different than what the media is spinning. Here's what you need to know to get you motivated, and in action:

interest rates are still at an all-time low

we've gone through the worst of the dip

indications are that prices will start to rise

In other words, according to the experts, the worst part is over and houses will begin to sell again.

Tip 3: Put up boundaries on negativity in your environment

You probably know what environment I'm talking about. I'm talking about being around other real estate agents.

Many of the clients that I'm currently coaching are busy creating a positive mindset. How do they do it?

They tell me, "I don't hang out with real estate agents who are negative. I would rather ride in my own car than hear the negative buzz."

Well done, I say, Don't let anyone rain on your parade.

Tip 4: Monitor your own self talk

No one knows how to create negative chatter in your mind, more than you do. With the flip of a switch, you can turn off negative self talk and give yourself positive and encouraging self talk.

Here's how you can spot negative self talk. It will sound something like:

"I don't know if I can succeed in today's market"

"I don't know if there's enough business to go around"

"maybe it's time for me to get a 'real job"

After working with real estate agents for the past 10 years to help them to double and triple the incomes, I have found an easy technique to intervene and create a positive mindset.

The next time you notice any negative self talk, just say STOP! Then take a breath and put in some positive new thoughts. Here are some examples of positive thoughts I have helped my clients create:

"I have what it takes to succeed in any market"

"there's more than enough to go around"

"the bottom line is - no matter what, people will always need to buy and sell houses"

"I do work I love and Im richly rewarded"

What does this do? This creates a positive, affirming mindset so that instead of asking the question, "can I do this? you ask, "how can I do this?"

Tip 5: Find and educate buyers

With an abundance of homes that need to be sold, and interest rates still low, what a wonderful time for buyers to get a great deal.

Your job is to find them, and educate them on this rare opportunity. Use all your prospecting methods, but direct yourself to reaching the buyers. When you do reach them (or they reach you), only give energy to the ones who are highly motivated and have to move. Be sure to have a buyers agreement with you, so you'll be compensated for your hard work.

Tip 6: Be clear on what makes you unique

As you begin to market yourself to buyers, be sure to present reasons to them as to why they should work with you instead of another real estate agent.

When I present this idea to my clients, they often go blank. Does this ever happen to you? If so, then with the help of a mentor or a coach, have someone help you discover your strengths.

For example, one of my clients did not realize how much she had going for her. She was a great negotiator, very attentive to details and at the same time was very personable. She would bend over backwards to be sure that her clients felt comfortable. When she realized her uniqueness, her business grew, as she realized how much she had to give.

Tip 7: Use the Law of Attraction to attract your ideal clients

The best way for your business to grow and your income to triple is to be attracting your ideal clients. Your ideal clients will be pleasurable to work with, they will appreciate your service and will demonstrate that to you with a full commission, and they will refer people to you.

The Law of Attraction would say: visualize clients you want to work with, see yourself working with them now, and feel what it feels like to have an abundance of ideal clients. If it gives you joy to serve them, then radiate that joy and watch how it magnetizes those ideal clients to you. This is the difference between having work you tolerate and work that you love.

Follow these tips, and you'll be thriving in any market.


With her 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping Real Estate Professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success.

For specific ways to master your psychology about getting clients and growing your business, and your personalized step-by-step success blueprint, visit to receive your FREE special report and audio mentoring session: 7 Simple Strategies To More Clients In 90 Days. To contact Dr. Maya Bailey, call 707-799-5412 or visit

Article Marketing: Capture the Other Half of Your Target Market

Heard about article marketing but not sure why you'd need it for your business? Posting Articles on the net is a great way to capture the "stubborn" half of your audience who resists a direct sales pitch.

While some folks don't mind being approached directly, many others don't take kindly to it.

Let's say you have a service to offer, so you hit someone up face to face with a proposal:

"Hello Fred, isn't it time you made improvements on your life? My product can help you do this!"

Suppose Fred is in a foul mood that day, or maybe Fred's email box is overrun with messages. Or maybe Fred just doesn't like anyone confronting him about areas where his life can stand to be improved... because even if that's true, FRED WILL NEVER ADMIT IT.

Thanks to the unfortunate timing between your sales pitch and Fred's bad day, Fred reacts defensively to your suggestion and mentally blacklists you for bothering him with your pointed insinuations.

Now, suppose that instead of hearing or reading your direct approach that you delivered via email or in a chat forum, Fred came across your ARTICLE that day. The jist of the article was the same as the sales pitch you might make to Fred... but instead of being aimed directly at FRED, it's written to a general audience.

This time, Fred is reading your information BY CHOICE, and nobody is finger-pointing or insinuating he needs to change in some way. Therefore, Fred is free to analyze his own situation and determine whether your service or product might enhance his life.

Pretty soon, Fred is visiting your website with interest... and not long after that, Fred has come to terms with his shortcomings and surrendered to the fact that, YES, what you're selling may be of help to him.

Finally... cha-ching!

Thanks to that article that you wrote that wasn't aimed directly at his fragile ego, Fred feels comfortable to just whip out his credit card... and surprise! He's officially your paying customer.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Liked this article? Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.

Should You Consider Article Marketing To Promote Your Online Business?

Article marketing is a really powerful and simple way to get more traffic to your websites, blog and other squidoo lenses. While it is true that content is king, this traffic generation method is very slow when you compare it to pay per click advertising for example.

The question that marketers ask is "Is this worth your time?".

My take on this is that whether or not you don't think it's worth your time, you should submit articles at least once a week. Sure, one article a week is not going to increase your traffic and profits anytime soon, but at least, you get your name out there.

This is one of the numerous advantages of writing and submitting articles. And if you have the budget, you can outsource this to a ghostwriter or virtual assistant. Plus you will get top rankings in the search engines if you add the right anchor text in your bio box. Keep in mind that article marketing is not a one time "set and forget" technique.

In fact, the more articles you write, the more effective the method. If you consider article marketing as an integral part of your overall marketing plan, you need to write at least one article a day.

Anyone really serious about his online business is involved in article marketing because of the instant credibility, instant traffic and instant sales.

Plus it is a good way to add new leads to your marketing funnel. Those leads are generally more targeted than those you can get in free giveaway events or other safelists and traffic exchanges.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Bulletproof Article Marketing Secrets That Will Give You The Competitive Edge

In this article I would like to go over some techniques that you can apply to your business that will give you very good results from article marketing. If you have not seen any good results before you will when you start using these techniques.

Let me stress that the most important part of your article marketing efforts will be to build a list. The reason for this is that most people need to have email contact from you at least seven times before they will buy from you. So if you are not doing this then you will be leaving a lot of money on the table. It does not matter whether you are promoting affiliate products or your own.

The way that you would do this is to write in a conversation style like you are talking to a friend. Also ensure that you keep your articles short about 250 to 350 words in length. This will make it less likely that your reader will get lost and not make it to your resource box. Share a slice of your expertise without giving the farm away.

Also make sure that you have a killer resource box. This will be your 30 second elevator pitch. You have to make the reader of your article want to click through to your website. I suggest that you offer a free report on your squeeze page as an incentive to subscribe to your newsletter.

Now after doing all the hard work this is where most people get it wrong. The fortune is in the follow up so you need to take very good care of your subscribers and relentlessly follow up with them.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

High Ranking In The Search Engine - Your Step By Step Guide

A high ranking in the search engine is very important to any webmaster on the net. It is without doubt the best place to have a searcher on the internet find your website. If you wish to have swarms of free traffic coming to your website on an ongoing basis, then you need to make sure that your keywords are placed in the top 1-5 positions when a search uses the keywords you use to optimize your web pages. So how do we get high rankings in the search engines?

First off, you need to make sure that you have your web pages fully optimized for the search engines so that they understand exactly what your website is all about! The search engines need to know what your site is about in order to display your pages to the searchers. How do they do this? They can identify what your web pages are about when they look at the title tag, the header tags, bold tags and the keyword density within the text content. Basically, if you are targeting a keyword like "Salmon fishing" then you will want to include it in the title tag, header tags and throughout the content both at the top and at the bottom.

You then need to acquire back links for your web pages. In case you are unfamiliar with the term back links. A back link is when a website/web page has a link in the form of an anchor text of your url pointing to your web page. This in the eyes of the search engines is classed as a vote to your web page. The more votes you get from other web pages, the higher you will climb in the search engines. However, it is advised that you try and get web pages that have a high page rank with a your link pointing back to your web page or site.

Not every website can give you a quality vote. If you get a vote from a website that has a high page rank it will be more beneficial to you. Just be careful of websites that can actually damage your ability to rank high. Most of the time, these sites are spammy and linking to them will harm your rankings!

Following these guidelines you should be well able to boast your keyword optimized pages in the search engines. It important to make sure you are on top of the game and your competitors.

I use a piece of software that really helps me with my SEO on my websites. It saves me a lot of time and money and boasts traffic to my sites. I have had web pages that rank in the top 5 position for very competitive keywords thanks to this software. What to know what it is? Then please visit the link below

If you would like to learn more about this tool, please read the SEO Elite review, or visit

Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 6 Fast Secrets to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you are currently using article marketing and noticing that your website traffic and your sales potentials are dramatically dropping, I suggest that you energize your marketing efforts to pull up your numbers again. Here's how:

1. Improve on your titles. Make them more attention-grabbing and enticing by using powerful words and key phrases that can effectively push the buttons of your potential clients. Don't forget to communicate the readers' benefits or the reason why online users should check on your content. Keep your titles short but striking.

2. Improve your content. Pack your articles with valuable, detailed, and complete information that will help your readers better understand your topic. Never leave any stone unturned by not assuming on what your potential clients already know. Make your content easy to understand, direct to the point, and highly targeted to your potential clients' needs.

3. Improve your resource box. If your conversation rate is not impressive at all, I'd say rewrite your resource box and make it more powerful and enticing. Aside from your name, your website's URL, and your expertise, don't forget to include the benefits that you can offer to online users when they visit your website. You can lure them with more valuable information or freebies.

4. Write more. Dramatically increase the number of your inbound links by multiplying the number of your submission. Strive to write at least 5-7 articles per day or hire ghostwriters who can provide you with quality articles for reasonable prices.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to your website, blog, forums, and social networking sites to increase their exposure online.

6. Check your progress. Consistently check your click through rate and how your articles are performing online. Continuously improve on them until you reach your goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How to Link To Your Website When Writing Articles

Pointing to your website is essential to high rankings in the search engines. However, you must know how to link to your website properly to get the full benefits of linking. If you dont link properly, they could kill your marketing efforts.

Often times, many writers make the same mistakes. They typically try to send someone to their website directly from their article. WithIn the resource box, they provide a raw link with the URL of the website. Below is one of the biggest mistakes that an author can make:

If you enjoy shopping find out how you can get cash back from your online shopping. They typically put their complete URL with "www." here. Big mistake!

Most often, writers will use the same generic resource box in all or their articles, no matter the topic of their writing. Unfortunately, because they use this resource box, the wrong way, they get very few benefits from their writing efforts.

Writers must understand that in order to rank high in the search engines for a keyword phrase, the most important factor that will allow them to achieve their goal is having links from external websites using keyword phrases linking to the writer.

If hundreds of websites say that your site is talking about Shoes, even if the keyword shoes is not on your site, search engines will believe the majority. When a searcher enters shoes, search engines will for sure show your website. This has been proven numerous times, you can try it yourself:

Open and enter the following query: worst president without the quotes. Have a look at the #1 website (, the text worst president doesnt exist in the page at all!

This tactic is so powerful that if you spent enough efforts into it, you could redirect people looking for Wendys to the Mc Donalds website!

Its VERY EASY to create useful links. Take the example of someone promoting a website about shopping online.

1. The first thing to do, is to use this keyword phrase or some variations of this keyword phrase in the anchor text of your link. If youre not familiar with HTML, it is done like that: This HTML code creates a link like: Anchor Text

2. Then in the resource box, you have to use as many related terms as you can because search engines, especially Google, take the surrounding text into account.

Take a look at the resource box at www.freetrafficbuildingreport for this article, you will see with I mean. There are several links to the website using related keyword phrases. The surrounding text is also using related terms, even if they are not links, they will help the search engines and tell them what your website is talking about. Creating such resource boxes when you submit your articles to article directories will increase ten folds the benefits of your links.

Another important point is to use different resource boxes and different anchor texts each time you submit a new article. Dont waste your writing efforts because of a poor linking strategy! Use this tactic right now and be amazed by the results.

Dornessa Harris is an online mentoring coach and trainer who gives a Free Trafficing Building Report to any entrepreneur who desires more traffic. She has used many marketing techniques and tools to get to the top of the search engines.

Internet Marketing Articles - Time Is Always Ticking, What Do You Have to Show for Yours?

Time. On one hand time is one of our most abundant resources: on the other, it is something that if we don't use wisely, we can find ourselves having regrets for having done so little with it. As I have interviewed and talked with hundreds of people over the years, I know that people are busy. They are overwhelmed. There are too many distractions, especially on the Internet.

If there are not thousands, there are at least hundreds of ways to market online. In other words, there are an abundance of, Quick, Easy, Powerful, Secret, New, Amazing, ways to get traffic to your website and most of them are anything but good. Meaning they are a terrible waste of time and money. Many of the experts have started to recommend that you narrowed your marketing to a small list of proven and effective methods, and article marketing is right at the top.

Sure it takes time to write an article, it takes time to submit it to article directories, post it on your blogs and make posts in forums, but there are very few things that you can do that once you have done the work, keep producing results for years afterwards. It is important that you understand, that when writing articles it takes a body of work to build up over time to get really significant results. One of the founders of the top article directories say you have to have 200 plus articles before you can determine if it is effective for your type of business.

The bottom line is, that if you want to know if it is going to be worth your time and effort, you need to develop a body of 200 articles to start with and then learn all the ways you can use that content to develop a broad and effective marketing plan and then put it into action.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Top Internet Marketing Strategies For New Websites

Its your first time to open shop online and you're wondering what you should do to make your presence felt. The Internet is a daunting world. It's almost as vast and unlimited as the universe, making the prospect of getting your website within your target market's radar seemingly impossible. Be that as it may, your new website still has a chance of surviving and especially if you consider the following tips.

Top Internet Marketing Strategies for New Websites

In the Internet, paid advertisements are definitely bigger and brighter, but search engines still give free advertisements a fighting chance. Here's what you can do to make your new website known without spending too much money.

Create the Best Website You Can

No Internet marketing strategy can help you if your website isn't worth visiting in the first place. Start with the design. You want the kind of web layout and design that your target market will instantly find appealing. The layout must also be user-friendly: it won't do to have your readers lost and unable to find their way back to your homepage. In most cases, navigation will be made easier by creating highly discernible links and uploading a site map.

Understand How Search Engine Optimization Works

Search engines can make or break you. If you're not in the good side of search engines then its almost impossible for your website to get noticed by the right people. If you want your target market to discover your website, you need to know how to please search engine spiders.

You need to understand, for instance, why using HTML codes is a positive thing, even if it offers less flexibility and options than other and more sophisticated languages. You need to understand the importance of keywords and the dos and don'ts that come along with using them.

Content Is King

Your website must offer valuable content. Search engines may be responsible for getting readers to notice your website, but it's the content that will ultimately be responsible for making them come back to your website again and again.

Content is what makes visiting your website into a habit. For content to be valuable, it must have relevance to your readers. If teenagers make up your target market then you need to discuss something they can relate to. Talking about the most popular TV shows might get them to listen to you but discussing the stock market would just fall on deaf ears.

Secondly, the data you're providing must be of interest to your target market. It's not enough to simply discuss an important subject. You need to show them what they'll get from it. Ecology is an important issue, but do people generally find time to learn more about it? But with the right perspective or approach, such as using Leonardo di Caprio as spokesperson or pointing how unawareness of ecological issues could cause them to die in five years, even the most boring of subjects will be diligently pursued.

Spell Out the Benefits

People just seem to get busier and busier everyday, and that's one of the reasons why they dont have the patience or inclination to check out websites whose benefits are ambiguous at most. If you want people to pay attention to your website, you need to find the equivalent to having a neon signage flashing the benefits of visiting your website. The message must be simple, straightforward, and powerful: let them know what they'll get and they'll come to you if they want it. is an Expert Online Marketer

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Article Marketing - Don't Stop Your Reader From Going to the Resource Box in Your Articles

If you are using Article Marketing to build your list or bring visitors to your web site or blog, one of the most important parts of your article in the article resource box. The resource box is where you get to invite the reader to your web site or blog for more information.

Very few writers know how to craft a prospect pulling resource box. Most do not do it well. The most amazing mistake I see are the article writers that actually stop the reader from ever getting to the resource box.

Sound strange? How do you know you are not doing it?

The 2 Biggest Resource Box Stop Signs

The first biggest stop sign is what I call a "hard end" to the article. By this I mean that you write in a way that the end of the article is way too clear. You might as well put "The End" like in a movie in the way you have worded the article.

The mistake there is the reader gets the message, "Oh, this is over. I'm outta here," and they are not likely to read further.

What to do instead: Don't stop the reader, lead them right into the resource box with a soft transition.

The second biggest stop sign is starting the resource box with information about you. This also announces "the article is over and you can stop reading now!"

What to do instead: Save the information about you for the last line of the resource box. Begin your resource box with an invitation to the reader to visit your web site or blog for more information.

And now I would like to offer you free access to the Article Marketing Minute, a brand new ecourse/audio newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get in for free at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

The Art of Listening-Visualization Marketing Strategies

The art of listening...
The art of hearing not speaking...

The art of visualization...

All important assets in online endeavors today.

The timely art of listening is fast becoming unknown in today's society. The fast-paced and hurried life of most people leaves a little to be desired.

Does this timely art pertain to the internet marketer of today? Of course! One must get past one's own chattering mind to be able to really listen to the needs of potential customers.

The personal agenda of the modern day marketer must be quieted in order to hear the wants and needs of the people. The internet is no exception to the rule. Appealing to people, being interested in what that person is trying to say, assisting that person with their own business, is the significant role in relationship marketing.

Rule of the day...blatant advertising is dead...let is rest!

Gone are the days when the marketer would blast out emails by the millions, (emails are not being delivered, or are being deleted) shouting out to the internet the products and services offered..."buy mine...want to make money online...make you rich in a week...the list goes on.

Those days are gone...thank God!

A new paradigm shift is transforming on the internet today. Relationship marketing is taking precedence over blatant, "catchy" titles...people just want credible, reliable information about how they can run a successful business.

WebTrafficConnection is built on that principle. The principle of listening to the needs of the professional marketer, the principle of doing business fairly and honestly on the internet, the business of getting people the legitimate traffic to their website that they desperately need.

Listening to the needs of people is no different on the net than face to face. Once marketers begin conducting their business in that.

Butch Hamilton is an accomplished SEO|SEM Specialist. His area of expertise lies in the ability to successfully promote individuals, as well as large company's websites on the internet. Top ranking positions are a daily occrrence for Mr. Hamilton.

Mr. Hamilton is a SEO trainer for the Veretekk system. He has been with the system and learned how to effectively use that knowledge in promoting on the internet.

Butch Hamilton is also the chief marketing official for Brevard Business Networking & Hosting Inc., located in Satellite Beach, Fl. Rick Stout, owner of the corporation and Mr. Hamilton work closely in the massive internet marketing system known as WebTrafficConnection. He is a trainer for the WTC system as well.

Profit in Printing - How to Succeed in Publishing

Profit in printing is obtained largely by the ability of the man who is "it" in the establishment. We have all noted how the great publishers tend to fall to decay when the light goes out that led them to success. Ability can find a way through many difficulties; without ability the finest collection of printing machinery will not return the cost of operation.

A few start small, virtually as amateurs, and build up. In the early 20th century, one of the most noted of these was A. E. Chasmar, who developed such exceptional taste in fine printing that his work was known clear across the continent. But usually the man who can make money and build up a plant has to be found. It takes a strong man at the helm to pilot the publishing craft into the harbor of steady profits, and continual good judgment to maintain such position when gained. The personal touch always seems to rise superior to conditions and to rules.

So far as I have observed, the large establishments are always built up by men who know thoroughly their trade, being well grounded in the details of their calling and familiar with the allied arts. Two sorts of ability are necessary the sort that goes to produce good printing, and the sort that can handle the finances successfully. Successful men have an exceptional ability to recognize what they are looking for when they see it, and we can all point to many other examples.

Large capital will make a printing plant go, if the capital can find the right managerial ability; but it is scarce. A printing office investment is a dangerous one for large capital, because of this necessity for brains of a certain type to secure profitable results. But large capital without the right ability will not win out, though it may keep a large publisher going for a long time, thus having a greater chance to find the right man to run it profitably.

See the top two 100% recommended online printing services at

Advanced SEO Secrets That Will Create An Instant Avalanche Of Free Targeted Traffic

Search engine optimization remains one of the best ways that you can get free targeted traffic to your website. Usually over 40 percent of people first search on search engines when they are looking for something.

Consequently, this means that you will get very hungry and targeted visitors who are ready to buy your products that you offer on your website. Another advantage of this is that natural listings convert much better than PPC adverts. So if you have not yet achieved the results that you are looking for from PPC I suggest that you spend more time investing in getting organic search engine listings to your website.

The very first step is to do keyword research using popular tools like Keyword Discovery or Wordtracker. This will help you to find high traffic keywords with very little competition. You then will build your content by optimizing for these keywords. Include them once in your title tags and at least once in your body. Also make sure that the rest of your article relates to this. With search engines using latent semantic indexing these days you can get better results by using silo structures.

However, the optimized content on your website accounts for only about ten percent of your search engine results. The main reason that you will get good rankings is that you need a lot of quality one way links pointing to your website.

There are many ways that you can achieve this. First of all build a quality website that people will naturally want to link to. Submit your site to the quality directories like Yahoo and Open Directory. Write articles and submit them to the major directories including a link to your website in your resource box. Post frequently on forums including your signature. Finally, do frequent press releases on major press release sites like Prleap.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.