Internet Marketing

Friday, July 4, 2008

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Everybody claims to be a Search Engine Optimization Expert these days, but what do SEO experts actually do? There are two parts to Search Engine Optimization, the on page modifications and the off page modifications.

On Page Search Engine Optimization:

A lot of on page SEO can easily be done by a web designer. SEO experts will often charge to optimize your pages even if they are already optimized. If you plan on hiring a web designer and a SEO expert for your website, make sure you you dont pay for something that is already done.

If your pages arent optimized, a SEO expert will go over your code and clean it up when necessary. This includes checking the site navigation to ensure that its both user and search engine friendly as well and checking your content for proper keyword saturation and optimizing meta tags. It is important your website is targeted towards several keywords. A SEO expert will help you choose proper keywords to target your ideal audience.

Off Page Search Engine Optimization:

Off page SEO is just as important as on page SEO. A good SEO expert will help you setup backlinks to boost your Google PageRank and submit the website to directories and social networks on your behalf.

Unfortunately hiring a SEO Expert is risky because its difficult to judge how effectively the service has increased traffic to your webiste. If you understand the proper use of keywords, the title tag, meta tags, file naming, back links and article submission you dont need to hire a SEO Expert to make the chances for you.

An important thing to remember about Search Engine Optimization is that its not a five minute job, but its not rocket science either. There arent any secrets or million dollar tricks to optimizing your site. If you optimize your website and continually post excellent content the search engines will drive traffic for you.

Ideally, if you already have a knowledgeable web designer or if you are the web master, it would be a good idea to hire a SEO Expert to review your site and develop a plan of action. Normally this is cheaper and it will give you a better idea of exactly what you need to do to naturally increase your search engine traffic.

For free Webinars and Articles visit

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Article marketing is so effective that other webmasters call it a "magic pill". Imagine generating qualified traffic to your site just by writing and submitting articles. And yes, without the need to shell out money to advertise because it is absolutely free. That is why; it is no wonder why webmasters are making this their primary marketing tool.

Here are the 7 steps to make profit with article marketing:

1. If you would like to make article marketing truly profitable, you need to write numerous articles. Remember, the number of your articles equates to the number of links you obtain for your site.

2. Write only quality articles. In this technique, it is important that you please your readers so they will distribute your articles. In order to do that, you need to make sure that your articles are well-written, flow well, easy to understand, and free from any error.

3. Use keywords. To make your articles come up on relevant searches, identify and use the keywords that are mostly searched for by your target market.

4. Submit short articles. Online users have very short attention span, keep them reading for more than 5 minutes and you will lose their interest. Present your ideas quickly and avoid using fillers. Strike out words that don't in anyway help you communicate your thoughts.

5. Use attention-grabbing titles. These will act as teasers to entice your readers to discover what you have to share.

6. Utilize article submission software. Manually submitting your articles can take so much time, considering the huge number of publishing sites today. To make this easier for you, download submission software that will automatically do the submission for you.

7. Include a brief summary at the end of your articles. Highlight the important points that you have raised so your readers will be able to remember them longer.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

So often article marketers who author online articles and post them to online article submission sites use misleading titles, which have nothing to do with what the article is about, but rather attempt to trick the reader into clicking on the link. You know many people feel it is okay to embellish "titles of articles" because the evening news does it every day.

"Late Breaking News - New startling information in the Natalie Holloway unsolved murder mystery"

Then the media baits you into watching 7 minutes of commercials and two more un-related news segments where they cut of the interviewees mid-sentence, then they tell you something you already know, do not care about or is simply irrelevant.

The print media is just as bad. So much "fluff" and leading embellishment that it has trained most in the society to act and write like that. Of course it has also trained people to become numb to the news and leery of purported trickery in article titling. Using such tricks and tactics often works, but a stupid person may not be your target market, so article marketers should be thinking here.

Additionally, if you trick your good potential clientele they will be somewhat upset, although some marketers use this to lure them further and further, as their desire grows to seek the real information, then they pitch them with an offer: "buy this information" click here to buy, with a low price of $19.99 and throw in free ginzu knives? These are all tactics of the get-rich-quick crowds.

Whereas most non-marketer article "writers" do not use this tactic, their book editors or publishers often do overdo the titles in order to sell their books, or at least push the socially acceptable limit too often. Publishers are always looking for a hook or an angle to sell their works. It seems everyone attempts to use titles to entice readership. Yet we are told never judge a book by its title, that goes for online articles too unfortunately.

Some article marketers realize that even an underwhelmed reader who does not like an article will "click a link out" perhaps a slight percentage of the time rather than hitting the back button on their browser. The Internet Marketer will often have an enticing byline to get them to do just that.

Writers of articles, who are not engaged in marketing, might be trying to convince someone of their opinion or trying to get them to do something else, thus in a way some of these writers are in fact marketing - no, not a consulting job, product or service, but rather an idea, opinion, trend or concept.

Some article marketers imitate other media and consider it business as usual think that it is okay when in actuality it is somewhat pathetic. Article marketers often mimic what they observe on the Internet, in print, on the radio or on TV or perhaps a combination. It would behoove online article authors to consider these facts as they promote their writing on the the Internet. Think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Once you start list building, you'll also want to start sending out email to your list members. That's the goal of list building, right?


So, you don't want to mess things up. You don't want to be accused of spamming.

If you use an autoresponder service, you'll probably be OK because you're completely backed up. They keep the date the subscriber opted-in, their IP address, and the time when they submitted your list building form. You'll still get complaints, because people forget that they signed up, but you will at least be protected.

But you don't want messages trapped by the spam filters, either. That means you don't want to use a bunch of URLs or too much code as compared to text in your messages. Spam Assassin and other spam cops consider how much HTML is in the message, as well as your title, and the URLs in your message, and gives you points (or fractions of points) for such inclusions. Anything under the score of 5 points is usually considered to be OK.

Some autoresponder services, like AWeber, will check this information and score the message for you so that you can see if it will pass spam filters.

Certain words just trigger spam filters:

click to remove
... and the big winner--free.

But those are just a few of the words that services filter. Keep your messages simple, without hype, and you'll probably be okay.

Tell a story. All good copy tells a story, and you can do that easily without filling your messages with hype and spam words.

Another way that you can be labeled a spammer is by ignoring "unsubscribe" requests. Again, if you're using an autoresponder service, the company will handle such requests for you. But if you're handling your own mail, you have to honor these requests right away--within 24 hours. If you keep sending mail to someone who asks to be removed, it could get you into trouble.

With the big online mail services, like AOL, Hotmail, and Gmail, all it takes is for a subscriber or two to label your messages as spam, and Boom! You're dumped right into those people's spam folders each time you send off a message , and if you're labeled as spam by enough people, guess what happens? Nobody else at that mail service sees your mail in their inbox, either. It will go to everyone's spam folders by default. You've spent so much time list building, that would be a real waste of time.

And hopefully, you're list building around a niche. Don't just build lists to build them and send the people on it messages that they aren't interested in. If all of your list building efforts were geared around baseball, don't send your list anything but baseball-oriented messages. Don't try to sneak in a message about camping because it just won't work. Some of your members might have an interest in camping, but by and large, they won't. You'll insult them by sending them a message that's not strictly targeted.

List building is the most important thing that you do in online business. Maintaining that list is the second most important thing. Keep your messages simple. I only use text messages, and I've proven that text messages work well. You really don't need at that fancy HTML stuff. The last thing you want to be known for is spamming. It will seriously hurt your list building efforts, and do major damage to your business. You didn't spend so much time list building for that purpose. You worked at list building for just the opposite reason.

Tellman Knudson is CEO of, Inc. Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course,

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

In 2007, I started to do SEO article writing.

Even though I've been freelancing since 1993, this is a very new form of writing for me. To date, most of my clients had been small business owners who commission newsletters, brochure copy, articles for their websites, etc. I have some corporate clients who outsource their editing/rewriting work to me, eg, editing annual reports.

I decided to give SEO writing a try for four reasons:
i) I was bored with my existing workload;
ii) I'd read a lot about SEO writing and knew that it was going to be lucrative long-term;
iii) there's not a lot of competition in the field (not for good, quality writers anyway); and
iv) it's quick turnaround (in pay and assignments).

As an aside, it fits my rather schizophrenic writing personality too in that I may write five articles in one day on extremely different topics - from wedding accessories to mortgages. As my brain likes to flit from project to project, this works great for me.

How to Break into a New Freelance Writing Niche Quickly & Profitably!

As this was a completely different field for me, I had to start marketing from scratch. Following is how I went from 0 to making $250/day in about three week's time.

Marketing for New Clients? Here's a 3-Step Plan that Works Every Time

1) Website: I took about a week to build a website specifically for this type of writing.

2) Research: I compiled a list of SEO companies I wanted to contact for work.

3) Contact: I contacted them - one at a time, using the names of appropriate contacts where possible and at minimum mentioning the company in the email when no specific name could be found.

Marketing Success by the Numbers: What makes this plan work every time is that you make contact every day with a certain number of firms. In my case, I decided to contact - at minimum - 20 companies a day.

On the very first day of marketing, I received two inquiries from companies wanting to use me for pending projects starting the next month.

About three days later, I received another inquiry from a potential client who wanted to package my services with a presentation he was giving to secure a client. And, in the second week, I landed a client who gave me 4 writing projects in three days.

This client is a large SEO marketing firm and wants to put me on their permanent staff of writers (we'll see how this pans out).

While nothing beyond the current 14 writing assignments has panned out, the point I'm trying to get across is that if you make enough contacts, you will get work - especially in the SEO sector.

The best part of being an SEO content writer? You can start with no experience, no samples and no website.

Good luck if you decide to give this type of writing a try.

Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. Visit to learn more about how to start an SEO writing career. It's one of the easiest ways to start making money as a freelance writer, especially if you have no experience.