Internet Marketing

Friday, August 29, 2008

4 Keys of Article Marketing

All webmasters know that one-way links of superior quality which are related to one's website is very important. One-way links lead to a rise in Google Page Rank as well as traffic to the target site. One promising method of developing related one-way links is by writing articles and then submitting them to directories. Usually, individuals writing useful, informative articles are chosen by other web managers for working on their sites. Due to this, you are offered with many inbound links along with high traffic flow. These one-way links acquired by you will apply to other relevant sites since webmasters use only those articles which are closely associated to the subjects displayed on their sites.

There are a few standard principles that people who want to use internet marketing successfully need to remember.

Top Quality Writing:

If you are a writer interested in marketing your pieces to webmasters the key is to make the article interesting. Webmasters are always looking for great articles that will catch and hold the interest of their website visitors. The article, of course, needs to contain useful information, but it also has to be interesting to keep and hold the readers attention to the end of the article. Any website that selects your article for publishing should see an increase in the value of their site. Writing these great articles will help them be included on websites and the readers may enjoy reading them so much that they go to your website to find more things to read.

Author Credit Area:

This is typically placed at the very end of the article submitted. While the majority of article directories permit as many as three links at this location, you have to verify this with each article directory and read their article submission requirements to ensure this. Be sure to use as many links as are allowed, and don't forget to link to both internal and home pages. In the event that three links are permitted, consider linking first to the home page of your site, then to an internal page at the same site, and finally to a fully written out URL. Webmasters occasionally just copy and paste a desired article onto their website and completely omit hyperlinks. If one of your links is the site URL, you will eliminate the potential disadvantage this can cause you. If you choose to submit the article to more than one directory, provide some variations in both the anchors and the hyperlinks in your resource information.

Getting Inspired and Researching a Good Article:

Since the essentials of article marketing, or article submission for the purpose of web promotion, are now clear, the next step is to begin writing. From where do you find writing ideas for these articles? Begin by using ideas found at your own site. Consider the theme, or main idea, of the site. This will determine your writing topic. Remember, too, that you want the people who read these articles to develop an interest in the item being promoted at your website. Your goal is to write articles that will attract and keep readers interested during their visit to your site.

Article Research:

Information and data should normally be gathered before writing the article. An excellent source of information is the public domain where many websites offer copyright-free information. Several websites also sell "Private Label Rights" (PLR) articles that are well researched and solidly written. However, it is recommended that the content from these sources not be merely copied and pasted.

You can find a large number of potential information sources for your articles by doing keyword searches on search engines. Always use your own thoughts, ideas, and wording for your articles. Be mindful of copyright laws when marketing your articles.

Daiv Russell is a web marketing copywriter with Envision Software. Make sure to submit your articles to Or, if you want articles for your newsletter or ezine, check out their internet marketing articles and business articles.

Article Marketing - How Do I Get Started in Article Marketing and Internet Marketing?

I hear this so often, and many folks don't get started because they don't know where to start. They get confused. If you sign up for a few lists, you end up getting the product of the day that will change your life and you must have if you're going to be successful. It's very confusing.

I saw a presentation recently that was proposing to teach all of internet marketing, and they mentioned 40 different entry points. That's a lot to have to manage.

One of the ways around that is to pick one that's a gateway into the rest and get going. That allows you to cut the noise, because if you're listening to everybody and listening to every offer and getting everything, like I did at first - I wish I hadn't done that years ago - you wind up confused, feeling like you're busy, feeling like you're stressed, feeling like you're doing a lot, but not having great results.

Here's a 2-step process to get started:

  • Look around, do your due diligence, do your research, listen to some people, find the people that you can relate to and connect with, pick one and focus.
  • Stay in massive action.

If you do things, you'll move ahead. Now while you're in massive action you've got to be willing to fail sometimes.

I was talking to Matt Bacak the other day. His first teleseminar - this is a guy who can pull thousands now - just three or four years ago had 6 people on it, and half of them were relatives.

Some things will work, some things won't. The quicker you find out what doesn't, in other words the quicker you fail at some things, the quicker you'll find out what works.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Real Estate Marketing Strategies - Using the Law of Attraction to Create Your Ideal Income in 2008

Did you know that your thoughts and intentions play a big part in your success in 2008? Not only that, but what you choose to focus on determines what you'll attract?

This article describes the Law of Attraction and why it's so important to master this Law. By learning how to implement the Law of Attraction you'll be able to create your Ideal Income In 2008.

The 5 steps:

Step 1: Get clear on what you don't want.

It sounds strange doesn't it to focus on what you don't want? However, that's what most of us do all the time, unconsciously. In my 30 years of empowering people to reach their goals, I have discovered that most people are focusing on what they don't want . So, for example, if they have a pile of bills, they'll focus on their pile of bills and their lack of money. What do they get? More of what they are focusing on.

Step 2: Get clear on what you do want.

For everything that you don't want, ask yourself, "So what do I want?" By doing that, you are sending signals to your conscious and subconscious mind to bring you more of what you do want. If money is your concern and there is a big contrast between the money you have and the money you want, put your focus on the money you want.

Step 3: Create your desire statement.

So after you begin focusing on what you do want, write a paragraph describing what you desire. If it's about money, then write out a Desire statement describing you Ideal Money Situation, as if it were happening right now. For example, "I now have an abundance of prosperity. Every month there is more coming in than going out. I am happily buying what I need and I have money left over......" and so forth.

Step 4: Clear your beliefs.

What would block you from manifesting the prosperity that you want? When I ask my clients that question, I usually get answers like, "I don't deserve it". "No one in my family makes that amount of money." "If I have that money everyone will want some of it and I'll never know if people like me or they like my money." "I don't' have what it takes to succeed at that level".

So what self-limiting beliefs do you have? What stops you from having your ideal income? What self sabotaging strategies do you use?

Step 5: Allow it to come to you.

In other words, suspend all doubt and just trust that you'll be guided into inspired action. By following your hunches and keeping your focus on what you want, you become increasingly magnetic.

A tip: Read your desire statement each day out loud and feel what it feels like to have it. Really allow your self to experience it so that you magnetize it to you.

With her 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping Real Estate Professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success.

For specific ways to "master your psychology" about getting clients and growing your business, and your personalized step-by-step success blueprint, visit to receive your FREE special report and "audio mentoring session": 7 Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days. To contact Dr. Maya Bailey, call 707-799-5412 or visit

Internet Marketing Success Secrets - How To 'Siphon' Time For Your Internet Business

It's a common complaint among many people that they 'don't have time'. That's nonsense, if you ask me. We all have time. We are all each given 24 hours a day. The exact number of hours, minutes and seconds. Hence, the only reason why we might not find time to do something that will make a difference in your life is only you yourself.

The only way you can make time for yourself is to take action. Eliminate the fluff from your daily activities and you will suddenly find you have an abundance of time. It's all about self-control and discipline. Tell yourself, how badly do you really want success? If you want it badly, you would sacrifice a few things to get to where you want. Or you will prove to yourself you are not cut out for it.

Here is how to 'siphon' some time to work on your business:

1. Wake Up One Hour Earlier

The time before dawn is one of the most productive times to work on your Internet business. Nobody is awake at the time, there is no traffic on the roads, and it is quiet. It's perfect for working and there are no distractions to move you away from your tasks. Try waking up one hour earlier and see how much more work you are able to put in.

2. Sacrifice Some TV Time

Sacrifice some of your TV time to work on your business. I enjoy watching TV but I try to limit my time to spent on it to no more than 2 hours a day. If you spend just 5 hours less time watching TV every week, that's 20 hours of more precious time (almost a day more!) to work on your business every month.

3. Focus On One Task At A Time

Multi-tasking is over-rated. Sure, sometimes you will need to multi-task. But focus is always better. Do one task at a time, and do it well. Imagine if you were writing an important email while instant messaging and listening to music all at the same time, would you be able to make a good job out of it? More likely than not, it will take longer for you to complete that task and it will be a poorer effort. Do one thing at a time, and make it excellent.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Internet Directories to Improve Link Popularity

Description: one way of jumpstarting you link campaign is to get directory links. Building links, by listing your website in the search engines and directories, is one way of increasing your link popularity, especially if yours is a new site or one with no inbound links. However, you should choose your directories and search engines well.

You can jumpstart your link campaign by getting directory links. Building links, by listing your website in the search engines and directories, is one way of increasing your link popularity, especially if yours is a new site or one with no inbound links. However, you should choose your directories and search engines well. But, the shortage of inbound links puts your site at a severe disadvantage because link analysis is an important part of every search engine's ranking algorithm.

So, you can overcome this disadvantage by getting a few quality links. And a good way to start is to get listed in as many directories as you can. There are many directories out there, and the more you can get into, the better. If you have a business related website, and it cant be accepted by non-for-profit directories, then you should try submitting it into business directories and should be prepared to pay a small fee for it. A good strategy is to contact a site that doesnt offer advertising or paid listing and offer a small amount of money in return for a link. Chances are that few will be willing to accept your link. A few that you should try and get your site listed in, are Open Directory (, Yahoo(, LookSmart (, Zeal (, Joeant ( and (, ( or any other business directory if you site doesnt qualify for free submission.

And these directories and search engines are gold mines as linking partners, waiting and begging to be mined by an enterprising and prospecting webmaster. The most obvious Internet directory to start with, when beginning a comprehensive link search, is the well-known DMOZ directory. Its complete category and sub-category classification system makes it convenient for any website owner to find numerous sites within their area of business.

With DMOZ, theres no need to contact them for link exchanges if youre concerned about loss of visitor traffic to their sites. However, if youre not listed in the DMOZ directory, you can still find the category where your site would probably be included. And the process remains the same for finding link partners, whether your site is listed or not.

Another directory that is good is The Yahoo! Directory which has many of the same sites in its list as DMOZ. This is inevitable. There are, however, many sites listed in Yahoo! that are not part of the Open Directory Project. And this fact opens up many more possibilities for the webmaster.

When you go to the Yahoo! Directory, you must first go to your category, if youre already listed. But if youre site is not listed, you should select the most probable one. However, keep in mind that the listings are in alphabetical order, and may not have the same descriptions as the DMOZ directory. Then, use the same procedure as before, and your list of potential linking partners will grow larger.

A third important Internet directory is the Google Directory. They use listings supplied by the Open Directory Project and the listings are very similar to those found in DMOZ. But, Google is different in that it orders the results from the highest PageRank listing to the lowest, making your sorting that much easier. Though, it should be remembered that some of the PageRanks on display are most probably out of date, and may not reflect the site's current PageRank.

But, if exchanges, for higher PageRank purposes are important to your site, then the Google directory is the answer to what youre seeking. However, as a general rule, don't let PageRank determine your linking partners. Its far more important to make your site helpful, for your visitors and customers.

And, since directories are an excellent source of theme related link partners for any website, you should use a major one for the search such as DMOZ, the Yahoo! Directory, or the Google Directory. So, finding potential linking partners is very easy when you use the major directories or search engines.

Olivia Lambeth is a creative and multi-talented fashion designer and has worked with reputed Fashion Houses for the past 12 years. She specialised in Casual Wears but nevertheless her unique design for Formal and hand work is worth mentioning.

Find more website ratings directory at

Learn Search Engine Marketing - Inbound Links

When you look at search engine optimization for your website, keep in mind that search engine robots look at how your pages are linked together and how your site is linked to other sites. When you place a link on your site, this is an OUTBOUND LINK; the site of the link benefits.

INBOUND LINKS is what the search engine robots look for; you want sites of related content and high traffic to place a link to your site on their site.

The fastest way to accomplish this is to write informative articles that link back to your site and have them published on other websites. The signature line in your forum posts that include your website address create links to your site as well as directory listings.

The more pages of VALUABLE CONTENT you have on your site, the more inbound links you can have pointing to your site. The exception to this is "Free For All" (FFA) pages which are also called "Link Farms" which can have the opposite effect and get you banned from search engines.

Find out who is linking to your site by using the three advance search commands:



There are several Link Popularity Checker online; the Webmaster Toolkit and Marketleap has two of the most reliable.

Search engine optimization is a combination of four major factors, your keywords, your keyword optimized content, submissions to search engines and inbound links. Each one of these factors are important and together as a unit they can give you good search engine rank.

Find out what it takes to get better Search Engine Optimization Results

Discover new ways to get massive amounts of traffic with a little extra effort and Monetize your Website