Internet Marketing

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Profitable Article Marketing: 6 Quick Steps to Get Started With Article Marketing

Each and every month new and different ways of making money online are coming to the fore front. One surefire to profit from the Net is through article writing. There are no great mysteries to profitable article marketing. However, when it does come to profitable article marketing, there are 6 quick steps that you should keep in mind to get you started.

1. When embarking on a course that you hope will lead you to profitable article marketing, you need to know the subjects with which you will be dealing with. It is important to become an expert on the subject in which you are writing.

2. In undertaking profitable article marketing, you need to identify those markets that will be most interested in purchasing your articles.

3. Profitable article marketing depends to a great degree on quality control. You will want to make certain that your articles are of good value and well done.

4. As with any other business, when it comes to profitable article marketing, you will want to come up with a marketing a promotions plan.

5. When involved in profitable article marketing you need to be very proactive in protecting your copyright interest in the articles you are marketing.

6. You will always want to make certain that you have a fresh batch of articles for sale on hot topics at all times. You can't sell what you don't have. And if you are not selling your articles, you are not making money.

You now have the information. Sit down and start writing.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Internet 'Big Dog' Secrets - The 5 Essentials For Success (Hush Hush Secrets)

What are the secrets of mega successful Internet entrepreneurs? Well personally I have had the chance to see how some of the big names in the Internet marketing industry work, and I've found that they all share similar 'facets' regarding the way they go about their Internet business.

So if you want to succeed massively in your own online business, here's 5 essentials you need (ignore them and lose!):

A subscriber list

You absolutely, definitely must build a subscriber list! It doesn't matter what business you are in, whether you are selling women's clothes or a digital information product, you should be building a subscriber list on your website. Let's face the facts, not everyone who visits your website will buy. Maybe at most 5 people out of 100 visitors will buy anything from your site on their first visit. So what happens to the other 95 people? If you don't capture them as subscribers, they are gone forever! So start building a list today!


Networking is absolutely vital in any business. When you make the right contacts, things begin to happen for you. You'll begin to see success faster than you ever imagined and opportunities will just begin opening up for you.

Selling skills

You must know how to sell on the Internet. Hey, you want people to send you money right? Then you must persuade them to buy your products! Spend some time learning copywriting skills to write better advertising copy and sales copy.

A business plan

You need a business plan to act as your 'road map' to online success. Remember, someone once said, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


Focus is the ultimate secret to business success. When you have your energy spread out too thin in too many directions, you will slow down your success or even never see it. Imagine studying for an important exam while chatting on the phone, playing a computer game and watching tv. Now imagine studying for the same exam without any distractions. In which case do you think you are likely to do better? It's the latter! So keep yourself focused on ONE business plan. See profits in your first business, before moving on to another project.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

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How to Write Articles That Get Published

I get a lot of questions from my subscribers asking how to write articles. If my subscribers are asking about it, I assume that many others also want information on writing articles. Following is a basic outline on how to get started writing articles and getting them published on the Internet.

You do not need to be the next Stephen King to write articles. Most authors are people just like you and me. Write in a simple, easy to understand tone. Write it as though you are talking to a friend. An informal article written in a conversational manner is best.

Start out by writing on subjects you are familiar with. After you gain some writing experience, you can begin to research and write about topics you are not familiar with. Try to keep the length of your articles between 300 and 500 words.

One of the main components of your article is the title. Spend some time developing a good title that attracts readers. Your title is the advertising for your article. In most cases, your article will be listed along with many others. People normally scan through the article titles to decide which one interests them. If your article contains a compelling title, it will attract more readers. If your title is dull and uninteresting, few people will read your article.

Start your article with a good introduction. Tell the reader why you are writing the article and why how they might benefit by reading it.

After the introduction, start a new paragraph and begin the body of your article. Separate it into different paragraphs for each point you want to cover. By using a number of paragraphs, it is easier on the eyes and makes for a more attractive presentation. The body of your article should provide between three and ten points that you want to cover. Don't think that you have to include everything you know about the subject. Remember, you want you article to contain 300 to 500 words. Stay within those limits.

Finish the article with a solid conclusion. Recap what you told the reader and mention how they will benefit by using the information you provided.

After you've completed the article, use a good spelling and grammar checker on your work. Most word processors today include these tools so make sure you use them. If your article is riddled with errors, many publishers will not accept it. Before submitting your article, do a slow and thorough proofreading of your work. A spelling checker will not flag the word "kit" as a misspelling, even though you intended to write the word "knit".

These are the basics of article writing. As you can see, the process is easy enough for anyone to do. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. I'm not a brain surgeon, you know. Use the techniques described above to begin your enjoyable and lucrative career as a writer. Good luck.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed my brand new guide on how to make money each and every day.

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Article Marketing Success - Six Secrets To Creating Fantastic Titles

While there may be some truth to the old adage that you cannot judge a book by its cover, you certainly can judge on article on the Internet by its title. With this in mind, if you are keen on achieving article marketing success, you will want to come to utilize the six secrets to creating fantastic titles for your articles.

• Keep your titles simple. Do not clutter your titles up with unnecessary words.

• Use the least complex words in your title. Do not use million dollar words when simple ones will do.

• Make sure your titles do not contain grammatical errors or typos. You would be utterly surprised about how common these mistakes are when it comes to Internet copy and content.

• If you are writing search engine optimized copy, you will want to make certain that you utilize appropriate keywords and keyword phrases in the titles to your articles themselves.

• Do not be "cute or clever" when it comes to writing titles for your articles as part of your article marketing efforts. What might seem to be cute and clever to you very well may awful to a potential reader. You might completely turn someone off before they've even read a single word of your article.

• With the last point in mind, it can be helpful to have someone else read your title (as well as your article for that matter) before you make the article available publicly. Such a person may be able to point out flaws in your article that you were unable to catch or notice on your own.

Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.