Internet Marketing

Sunday, May 25, 2008

List Building- 5 Ways to Boost Opt-Ins and Conversion

One really great place to take advantage of other companies' testing is to visit Of course, the tests aren't your own, so you can't depend on them solely to operate your business, but it's a great place to start.

A little more than 3 years ago, conducted a study on subscription rates. They based their findings on many different variables, and though the tests are old, the principles still apply. I'd like to share some of the results with you here:

1) Make your value proposition prominent

A value proposition tells your potential subscriber what's in it for them. The value proposition gives the primary benefit a person will get from joining your list. For instance, what if your niche is bowling? If you can tell people how to increase their scores 20% just by using a special technique via a special report that people can sign up for on your list building page, do you think avid bowlers would bite? No doubt. Especially if the report you give them is free. This value proposition should be your headline.

2) Easy, fast sign-up

Stick to simple information, such as first name and email address when putting an opt-in box on your list building page. The easier you make it for people to sign up for your list, the more likely they will be to do it.

3) Let people know you'll protect their information.

In these days of identity theft, which is all over the media, people are very leery of signing up for anything, especially online. Let them know that you're one of the good guys, at least in theory. "We protect your privacy. Your information will never be sold, rented, or given to anyone for any reason" would be a helpful statement, if you place it directly under your opt-in box on your list building page.

4) Advertise your low-risk factor.

If you let people know that they can unsubscribe at any time, they'll be more likely to sign up. Some people are reluctant to join any lists just because of the sheer volume of mail that arrives in their inboxes on a daily basis. By letting them know they can unsubscribe without trouble, you'll get more people to sign up.

5) Make your list building page the top of your sales funnel.

When leading people to buy your product, which is the true purpose of any list building page, you need to lead them through the process. This begins when they opt-in and it continues with the redirect after they click the submit button. This should be the sales page for your product. Though your special report will sell your product throughout, you'll also want to send list members autoresponder messages with more information about your niche. At the end of each informational email, you include a link to your sales page. Many times, after you've delivered a bit more helpful content, people will come to respect you and buy what it is you're selling.

List building and conversion will see a boost if you incorporate these ideas into your list building pages. Just remember that your customer's question, "What's in it for me?" should always be at the top of your mind. If you can show them what's in it for them, if you help them solve their problems, you'll not only have a valuable list member, but you'll have a customer for life.

As CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., Tellman Knudson has become a list building ninja. Pick up all of his list building secrets at

6 Highly Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

All small businesses have a passion or desire to make a real difference through the products and/or services they offer. For many marketing is an area of real challenge. Even if you actively marketed on behalf of your business when in employment, it some how feels different when you are marketing for your own business. As a small business owner myself who does not have a background, there are a number of strategies that I have found to be highly effective personally or for others.

1. Utilising contacts

When you start out in business, the initial challenge is to get some clients. So often people start with a blank piece of paper and forget about all of the contacts they have made in the past through work and socially.

By listing all of these people you can probably identify 100 people who you can drop a letter or e-mail to let them know what you are up to and asking them to look out for any opportunities. You might even meet some for lunch or coffee. This is what I did to get my first 3 clients.

2. Focussed networking

There are plenty of opportunities to network. Some of it is very structured like BNI while there are other events that are less structured and more informal. What is vitally important is to find networking events that allow you to connect with your target clients. For example, if your target market is female business owners, then a specific networking events aimed at that market will be more focussed networking. I work with professionals so a branch meeting for accountants is an excellent place to network.

3. Writing

If you enjoy writing and sharing your knowledge and insights, writing can be a highly effective part of your marketing activity. As well as magazines, local papers and professional journals, there are now lots of options for submitting articles online. One of the real benefits of online articles is that they give you exposure to a much wider audience than a local or national publication.

4. Speaking

If you are a consultant, coach, trainer, accountant, lawyer to name a few, speaking can be a highly cost effective and time efficient way of marketing. Yes it takes some time to pull together a speech but you can use it over and over again. The other major benefit is that your marketing is one to many rather than one to a few with networking.

5. Blogging

This is not one of the strategies that I have used myself but is incredibly popular. Some people just blog while there are others who combine a blog with a podcast.

6. Trade shows and exhibitions

With trade shows and exhibitions you can either decide to exhibit or just even visit. This can be one of the more expensive options but can be highly valuable for product based businesses or service businesses that are well understood like telemarketing or banking.

There are numerous options open to you when it comes to marketing your business. Get creative and start identifying at least 3 channels to market that will have the greatest impact for your business.

Duncan Brodie works with professionals and progressive organisations who want to achieve more success. Sign up today for his free e-course and monthly newsletter at

Article Marketing - Latest 5 Challenging Steps to Energize Your Article Marketing

A lot of online entrepreneurs and marketers have made article marketing as their primary marketing tool because of one, simple obvious reason: it delivers! It can easily drive quality traffic to your website, help you position yourself as a key person in your chosen industry, and increase your sales potential and online profits in no time.

Here are the latest 5 challenging steps to energize your article marketing:

1. Optimize your content. Learn how to please various search engines so they will properly index your articles. This can be done by identifying the keywords that play crucial roles in your target niche and using them all throughout your content. You must also be familiar with appropriate keyword density so you will not be tagged as a keyword abuser or spammer.

2. Your articles must be easy to understand. Don't leave your readers puzzled or wondering what you are trying to get across after they have read your articles. They must be able to understand your ideas by just reading your articles once so you will not waste their time. Avoid using offbeat acronyms or unfamiliar terms all throughout your content. Instead, stick with simple terms that are usually being used by your readers so they can easily understand your message.

3. Make each word work for you. Make sure that all the words you use in your content can help you educate your readers or make them understand your points. If any of the words do not serve this purpose, they are considered fillers and they must be removed from your articles to make them concise and direct to the point.

4. Use anchor texts on your resource box. Based on researches and various studies, people online respond better to anchor texts compare to absolute URLs because they are usually based on relevant keywords that readers can easily identify with. Take advantage of this and use up to two anchor texts on your resource box to easily increase your conversion rate.

5. Insert a powerful call to action on your resource box. Direct your readers to act on your favor by learning the art of persuasion. Do you want them to visit your website, sign-up on your email marketing list, or fill-up a survey for you? Whatever it is that you would like them to do for you, communicate it directly by using powerful words that can evoke action.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Article Marketing Works Like Magic On Your Website Traffic

Article Marketing is a powerful engine for successful businesses and people from around the world. Why is that? Let put it this way. You need not have to beg people to go to your site.

All you have to do is post good articles on some blogs or other directories and you will just find people whose attention you have captured posting your article on their sites. Make sure to choose a topic that is widely searched in the Internet. Provide content rich articles and easy read ones. It would be so interesting that you would find people linking you to you to their sites.

Just make sure to research and pick topics that would snatch every people interest. You also need to choose article directories that have a huge traffic. The more visitors are there in these directories and the more your articles are published, the more chances of getting traffic to your own site.

Articles will build your credibility as well as your profitability. They offer cheap and very effective means to advertise. They also help in building credentials on the Internet. Before you know it, people are contacting you since they consider you now subject matter expert. That is because of article marketing.

The result and magic brought by article marketing is just overwhelming. Imagine getting thousands or even millions of theme-related sites that are linked to your site. That would keep you getting traffic not just for the day or the month but for many years to come.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Keys to a Successful Online Business

While the internet offers your business a global presence, it also presents global competition. You must have a well-defined marketing plan. This includes knowing where you expect your prospects

to come from and how what strategies you will put into place to convert them into customers.

Strategies to drive traffic to your website can include pay-per-click campaigns, promotional articles, blogging, and many other techniques. Email newsletters, podcasts and on-line press releases are all done in the hopes of reaching your target market in a variety of ways. Choose the methods that suit your business the best and then maintain focus on which methods work best.

Part of a well thought out marketing plan is choosing a niche that you know you can fill the best. Many business owners start out believing they will eventually sort out where exactly their products or services fit later. You must have a clear idea before you begin of what very specific demographic you are serving.

Don't invest all your resources in one venture or at one point in time. Make sure you spread out your budget to include trying a reasonable number of strategies to start. This will allow you to focus on which are the most successful ones, continue to invest in them, and add new strategies later on.

Likewise, you will regret spending all your money up front on online marketing. When new trends develop you want to be able to participate and grow your business using them, as well. Be cautioned that not all the latest marketing ideas are worthy of your time or money.

Failing to take advantage of all the tracking services available means you are not maximizing the potential of the internet. A continuously growing marketing plan includes a regular assessment of how your internet traffic flows. Seeing the avenues that prospects and customers take to find your business may give you inspiration for another place to advertise.

Finally, be sure to hire the right people to help you carry out all these tasks in most professional way possible. Spend the time to locate a quality graphic designer, writer, or even an online business manager. The experience and skills of experts can make the difference between a successful launch and one that falls flat.

Write out a plan of action for your online business to solidify your objectives. Choose marketing strategies that complement one another and bring the traffic to your website.

Know exactly which demographic you are targeting. Examine server statistics and re-evaluate your marketing campaign on a regular basis. Finally, bring seasoned professionals on board to assist you in meeting these goals.

Gil Ortega is an internet strategist and lead generation expert. He is an author, speaker and consultant who can be found at where he shows companies how to create effective customer acquisition systems.

And In The Beginning There Was SEO

So youve just launched your brand spanking new website and are now probably expecting people to flock to your site in droves and give your lots of money. Where are they you may ask as the weeks go by with only very minimal traffic coming into your site. Well they are not visiting you because you need to promote your site online by carrying out SEO, building a site is only part of the battle.

You may be wondering what SEO is. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is as the name suggests what you must do to optimise your site to be well placed in search engines. So what can you do to increase your presence in the major search engines?

Back links are the major key to increasing the traffic coming into your site and improving your ranking for search terms entered. A back link is a link that points to your website from another website. Generally the more back links have pointing towards your site the better, although the quality of link is important as well, so its best practice to avoid getting back links from non-relevant themed sites or pages.

How does one go about getting these back links?

A good start would be to begin submitting your site to free directories, premium directories, niche directories and to write quality articles related to your website and then submit these to article sites.

There are many directories on the internet with many allowing you to submit your site for free inclusion. There are also many premium directories which charge a fee for including your site, which can be more useful for getting a higher quality link (If you have the budget). Niche directories related to your site can also be beneficial for getting a quality themed link.

Articles represent another excellent way to gain back links. There are hundreds of article submission sites on the internet which are always on the look out for well written and informative articles for their readers, which allow you to submit your article for free. In return for submitting your article to these sites most sites will provide you with the opportunity to create a back link at the bottom of your article that points back to your website. If you have a website about travel for example you could write articles about various popular travel destinations from around the world. If you get stuck for ideas the internet is great for swatting up on your facts, just be sure to write the article in your own words.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this brief introduction into the world of SEO and I wish you all the luck in the world with promoting your site.

Submit your website to the Evident Directory, a human edited SEO friendly web directory