Internet Marketing

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Article Writing - A Great Marketing Tool

Article marketing is a great method to market your business and brand yourself as an expert. One after another, your published articles form their own networks on the web. Each of them is like a hoarding on roadside poles, advertising your business for years to come.

More they are better it is.

More you write higher are the chances of being noticed by web visitors.

It is proven now that repeated impressions on the mind lead to recognition and bonding.

If Steve is looking for information on internet marketing, he would go to his favorite search engine and type "internet marketing". The search engine would sieve through its indexed pages and bring results out in less than one second. It so happens that you submitted an article on "internet marketing" to your favorite directory and that has ranked in top ten of the searches after search engine indexed it, for keyword "internet marketing".

Steve clicks on your article link and reads your article. You have written a good article and Steve is happy to see that the article has supplied him the information he needed. In thanksgiving Steve may just see your name in resource box and move on to his next work or may click your link. In both cases it is unlikely that he would purchase anything from you or subscribe to your newsletter.

Apparently, you are still a stranger for Steve because he would hardly remember you next time he sees your name. But subconsciously, his mind would make a note of it.

When Steve reads another article of yours, he would again go through the same process. But this time you would sound familiar to him. His subconscious remembers you. He may not recognize you but your name would ring something in his head.

(This may not happen with second case. Never mind! This would happen with third or fourth.)

Next time, Steve would remember you. Every time he encounters your name, his subconscious mind would tell him, "Hey! I know him, he writes well. Last time I read it was a great help".

With each new encounter, your articles would leave a deeper imprint.

This repetitive process will build your recognition in his mind. Every time Steve read your article, he connects with you.

Because he has already rendered you an expert, he is more open and less skeptical to what ever you say.

Just like fans connect to their movie stars.

By and by he becomes more receptive to whatever you say. He is more likely to visit your website because he is impressed and wants to check out, something similar to what fans do.

If you sell a product that he needs, he would buy it from you because you are his trusted one. He is also more likely to buy an affiliate product that you recommend.

Congratulation! You have a life time customer with you.

Steve is not alone. We as human beings are commanded by our emotion rather than logic.

For every logic, there exists a mist which stops clear thinking.

Trust is a strong factor in sales. It is the subtle subconscious element that would decide whether to purchase from you or not.

If you write good articles or even average for that matter, you do not supply false information and do not make false claims, if your articles are backed by a good helpful website that people would find useful, people would surely buy from you.

The only requirement is consistency. More you write, higher your business would go.

Arun Pal Singh is an internet marketing consultant and web author who runs website to help online entrepreneurs with information and ready made products.

Visit to find how his information can provide the leverage that your business needs to grow and expand.

Get Organized for Google SEO

Getting good SEO ranking hinges on several major areas of work. This article is written as concisely as possible to sum up those areas for success.

WEBSITE DESIGN - The design of your website affects the way search engine bots read your website. Search engine bots prioritize your code and content according to it's position on the page. If your keyword content is high on the page it receives more importance. So write as much of the content as possible near the top of the webpage code.

OPTIMIZING CONTENT - Optimizing content is essentially the use of wording and the format of the page. This can be broken into three areas: keyword density, formatting, and relevancy of the whole site.

Keyword density is the number of times a keyword is used on your page per one hundred words. A keyword density of 4% is usually optimal, so use keywords four times in each 100 words.

Formatting your content is important because titles, header tags and content that are capitalized, bold or italic with anchor text and other options increases the weight of the text or keyword. Don't bold every keyword every time it's used, 25% of the time is optimal.

WHOLE SITE RELEVANCY - whole site relevancy has major effect on your ranking. If your website is focused on carpeting it should do better in carpeting related searches than if it had many areas of content. And the relevancy of the entire site will affect the rankings of each page.

LINKS - Getting inbound links is very important. These links can be gotten from many different sources, and they should come from a diversity of sources for optimal ranking.

Submit your website to directories. This gives links and traffic to your website. These are often free of charge, but the more relevant they are to your content and the better their page rank the better the effect.

Write articles for ezines with your links in the article or at the end of the article. You will get relevant linkage plus relevant traffic. Leave comments with your links on various relevant blogs to get inbound links and relevant traffic.

Write your own blog with links to your content pages. Swap blogroll links with like-minded bloggers. Also use internal links on your website from one page to another to increase your websites weight.

SOCIAL MEDIA - using social media for SEO is a recent development. You get the links from the social networking sites themselves, which have value, plus access to many possible candidates for reciprocal linking. All of the relevant sites that are in your community or social network contribute to your relevancy.

If you take care of these ways to optimize for Google you will also be optimized for the other search engines. Now just submit your URL to Google and get your newly optimized website some rank and traffic.

Arthur Browning

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  • Arthur Browning began his career teaching technical writing in a small Midwestern university for 15 years. He later edited and published a national professional journal for some ten years. He is now an investor. His interests include art collecting, web marketing, writing.

    Article Marketing - How I Earned $2012.77 Last Month Writing And Submitting Articles!

    Anyone trying to earn a full or second income need to learn how to write a killer article that attract visitors to his bio box and literally force him to click on his link. If you write at least seven articles per week (that's only one per day) and follow these tips, success is almost inevitable.

    If your article is interesting then other internet marketers may want to add it to their own website and Ezine publishers may publish your article and the great thing about that is that the link to your website that is in your resource box also gets published.

    1. Your title is the most important part of your article as far as being seen by visitors and search engines. You need to write a compelling title with your keywords. I you can, be sure that your keyword is in the first two words of your article.

    2. Don't give them all you have yet. You want to be mysterious and leave the article not quite complete so your visitors will have questions unanswered, then they will want to click on your link and visit your website so they can find the rest of the information.

    3. Make it easy to read. Most people don't want to read long drawn out articles so if you can sum up what you want with bullet points then your readers will find out very quickly if your information is what they are looking for.

    4. Briefly tell your readers what they will get or find if they click on the link to visit your website. Put the effort into having a good resource box as this will determine whether your readers will click through to your site.

    These four tips will help you to create killer articles that sell your products or services even when you are not in front of your computer.

    To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

    Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

    Article Marketing - An AMAZING Technique That Pumped My "Click-Throughs" From 0.82% to 15.64%

    OK. Let me ask you a really SIMPLE question. Why do you write articles? Is it to:

    • amuse yourself?
    • give you something to do when you are lonely?
    • present yourself as an authority on something?

    Well, maybe. But for the vast majority of article writers the ONLY reason is to drive traffic to your website. Correct? Correct!

    So, I would assume that you would be interested in a little thing that I have discovered that has shot my click through rate from a paltry average 0.82% to a very healthy current average of 15.62% - and in some instances even way beyond that. Yeah? I thought so.

    Oh, damn it! Let me brag for a moment, some of my articles are averaging 28% to 35%. Do you have that? Want to know the secret to it? Yeah, I thought so.

    Before I even start let me say one thing that should be as obvious to you as the nose on your face - write about something that people are INTERESTED in. Why would you write about the catalytic converter on the Gumball Space Machine? Huh? NOBODY except some geek will be even remotely interested in that. If you got even 10 views I would be AMAZED. And if you got even a single click-through I would be DOUBLE AMAZED. In fact, I'd be shocked!

    Obviously the most popular subjects are those that are sexually oriented (surprise, surprise). But not everybody is interested in writing about having a giant horse penis or shaving all their pubic hair off or having a blazing affair with a 48DD hooker or Johnny Donger. Excuse my attempt at humor. I'm sure you know what I mean.

    Pick a subject that has good interest and that you have some expertise in. Also, write about something that your website promotes. Now, having said that, I don't have a website about "Article Marketing" but I do have a website about making money and, after all, we write articles to get clicks to our websites to sell products and I do have an excellent e-book on... Anyway, on with the show...

    It's all there for you in the statistics. Pretty much it will be staring you right in the face if you care to take a look.

    You should try to get at least 30 articles up before you can start analyzing your statistics. The more articles the better. When you have over 100 articles the results will become more glaring. Personally, I have over 250 articles and they have been syndicated all over the web in all sorts of languages. So, I have a good spread to look at. Here is what I did...

    First, go to any article site that collects statistics. A good one is (ahem) Ezine Articles.

    Look at your top performing articles and compare them to your worst performing articles. You'll find them easy enough. Look at the subject of the articles, the headline, the teaser summary, the keywords, the number of views, the click through rate and the resource box. What is the difference between your best articles and your worst? I'll tell you one of my stats.

    My worst article - 1304 views for ZERO clicks - yep - a big FAT nought.
    One of the best - 2667 views for 400 clicks - wow! - a 15% click-through rate!

    Now what does that tell you? I'll tell you what it tells me...

    The headlines and keywords were both pretty good. The teaser (or summary) was also pretty good. I know all that because, in both instances, I got pretty good viewing rates and I continue to get more views. So what else? One article enticed 400 people to want to know more while the other enticed nobody. The loser article was just a tell all, feel good piece of writing. Also, the resource boxes were drastically different between the two.

    So, you see, by examining these statistics you can learn a lot about what will encourage people to click through to your site for more information. If you ignore it you will stay in the click-through doldrums.

    Examine your statistics. Look at headlines, the teaser summary, the keywords, the article body (copy) and the construction of your resource box for the greatest number of click throughs. Replicate what works and chuck out anything that just hangs around like a stale bottle of beer. You will be amazed, like I am, at what you can refine when you know EXACTLY what is working for you and what isn't. My click-throughs have risen dramatically from 0.82% to 15.62% and some are much higher.

    You can do this too. It just takes a bit of analysis to see what causes the statistics that you receive.

    Like I said, I don't have an Article Marketing website. But I do have a wealth creation website so if you like what I have presented in this article and want to know how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then click HERE

    Uncover 6 High Powered Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

    It's not enough that you're going to write articles. You need to distribute them if you want your potential clients to know that you are an expert on your field. Also, this technique can give you website numerous links thus, it will help you pull up your search engine ranking.

    Here are 6 high-powered steps to advance with article marketing:

    1. Don't write ads. An article should provide quality information to their targeted audience. If you like, you can talk about the benefits and features of your product, but never make it the meat of your copy. Keep in mind that sales copies can easily turn off article publishers, so avoid blatant advertising on your articles at all costs.

    2. Skip the hype in your resource box. Article directories provide a resource box where you can add a link of your website. You can perhaps speak a little about your business and your link, but that's about it. Avoid the hype and never make this are your electronic classified ads.

    3. Proofread your articles. You basically don't have to be a writing prodigy when it comes to coming up with web content, but it doesn't mean you can settle for anything less. You should watch out for any misspellings and grammar mistakes, which are actually pet peeves among publishers and your targeted audience.

    4. Add a copyright. Whenever possibly, add a copyright into your articles. Though you like to encourage others to share your copies with their friends and families, you don't want them to hold ownership in something you have worked hard for.

    5. Submit to different article directories. Strike a balance between high-ranking directories than those with lower PR. Both have their own advantages, and it's time to grab the opportunity.

    6. Submit your articles to social bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking sites give inbound links and traffic not only to your articles but to your website as well. Choose the high-ranking ones first as they already have solid traffic.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

    Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

    Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

    Article Marketing - How to Write, Submit, and Traffic to Your Articles

    If you are thinking of advertising your free online business, article marketing could prove quite effective and what is more, you dont need to spend anything on it. You just need to write a few articles and submit it to free article directories. Soon you would find traffic generating on your site. I everything seems too easy to believe, well the fact is it is not that easy also. You need to plan to get article marketing working for you.

    The primary prerequisite of any article is good content. If you just know how to stuff your articles with useless content with too much of keywords you would find it very difficult to get any readers and any visitors. But if you could offer your readers some real content you could be sure of getting more and more visitors to your site.

    So, now you have a very well written article, now what? Well, one way would be submitting to all the article directories you could lay your hand on but that is not exactly the right thing to do. You should find out a few websites that would be most likely to publish your article and then approach them. Tell them you have an exclusive article for them which they could publish but with your resource box. You just need to follow these tips and you would find the effectiveness of your article marketing improving manifolds. Just have a little bit of patience.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? Secrets of Article Marketing

    Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

    Do You Have The Right Attitude To Build A Big Email List?

    Email list building is something every good marketer who wants to make a sustainable income online should be involved in. Creating a highly, responsive and profitable email list requires hard work, lots of time, as well as a lot of testing. Yes. You have to test to know what works and what does not. This will save you time and effort.

    Now, only a select number of individuals online have built an email list of over 10,000 names. Will you be the next? It is certainly within your ability to do it, and since you are reading this, I assume you want to build a huge email list.

    Once you do start to build your list your results may be slow. That said, if after the first month, you have only 200 subscribers and have made only 80 or 100 dollars, are you going to pack it in because you are not making enough money? Some people would consider this. However, there are equally lots of people online that are going to take the attitude that they will do whatever it takes to get to 400 subscribers next month, and 600 the following month and on until they have 10,000 subscribers.

    Experience shows that if you are prepared to put in the time and commitment and the hard work, required then in time you can be sure to build it in the several thousand. And with the right testing and mailing, that email opt in list could be earning you anywhere from 50 cents up to about a dollar per name on your list, every single month. Do you have what it takes?

    Email list building is not something you can just do with a half-hearted attitude. It asks for the right mindset and commitment on your part. It is certainly not something that will happen overnight. You see, you really need at least 5000 or 10000 names to do meaningful testing. You must ask yourself this question. Am I in it for the long haul to build an email list or is this just a fleeting hobby?

    Ready to build your own email list?

    New Free eCourse at:

    Willfred D is an expert author and marketer specialising in opt in list building and pre qualified traffic generation techniques.

    Article Marketing - Get 2 to 5 Times The Visitors From an 800 Plus Word Article? Really Easy!

    I like to read articles. I guess I am not the only one I say with a smile, since I guess that is the point of article directories. Sometimes I am very impressed by the depth and quality of an article. When I read one of these, I usually feel inspired to step up my game a little when writing my articles.

    The problem with this is that as soon as I try to go a little deeper with one of my articles, they start to get longer and longer. This is bad for two reasons. Longer articles don't get read any more, if anything, they get read less. Second, I am getting less return on my investment of time.

    Let me explain, if it takes me 30 to 45 min to write an article, that time is my investment for the number of visitors that I hope to inspire to come to my site. If I spend 1 hour or even more, and I get the same results, then that is not as good of an investment of my time.

    You might say, well I like writing more in-depth articles and I don't care if I have to put a little more time into each one. The truth is you should like writing better and more in-depth content. This is how you will share your expertise with the world. The place for that content is on your website.

    It is important to remember the role of each step of the process. And the role of the article is an appetizer. Not some cheap filler food, or a nibble, but a good healthy quality appetizer. But afterwards, you want the reader to be so impressed, that they want to go to your site and get the full meal.

    So, how do you get the greatest return on your investment when an article does get a little long? Article sets. Turn your article into two or more articles. You can even turn them into parts if you need to add on a little more information. But, if you build multiple articles, you will get more visitors for the effort, and you will be giving your readers the size bites they have shown us they like to read.

    What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.