Internet Marketing

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Most affiliate marketers have experience it at least once. You go to check your site stats and notice that your site has gotten more than 5 times the amount of traffic you usually see in a month and all that brand new traffic has arrived TODAY. Your heart slams in your chest a little as you check the source and notice that it is StumbleUpon and all those crazed stumblers that have made your traffic go through the roof.

The problem is, and youll discover this the moment you start checking other stats, those Stumblers arent sticking around. The bounce rate nearly matches the incoming traffic and your Adsense account isnt exactly feeling the StumbleUpon love either. No one seems to be clicking on those juicy Adsense boxes at all. So you check your affiliate accounts. Affiliate earnings are better than Adsense money any day, right? Darn it! Those Stumblers arent buying anything either! What is wrong with these people?

Nothings wrong with them actually. Its just a different mindset and its common to all the social networks. Social networkers arent generally in a shopping mood when they are surfing Digg or Stumbleupon or Reddit. Theyre in the mood to be entertained and they want to be entertained quickly. So they move on from one site to the next, barely stopping to read what you have to say as they kill time looking for a fix to their boredom.

This is a whole lot different than what youll see when your article links are clicked. Your articles are usually found during a search at one of the big search engines. The reader is looking for something specific and theyve just found your article. If your article has managed to capture their interest and they actually click a link in your resource box, they are that much more likely to be interested in anything you might suggest for them to buy. Theyll also spend more time reading about the benefits and advantages of what you are selling so the bounce rate for article traffic is significantly lower than that social network traffic.

Sure, it often takes longer to see significant traffic from article marketing, but since that traffic also converts to paying customers at much higher rates than social network traffic, you need much less of it to fatten your wallet.

So stick to article marketing and leave the social network link baiting to the Flickrites and Youtubers. If you want to make money, slow and steady article writing wins the race.

Emma Martin loves to Stumble, but prefers writing articles to bring home the bacon. Article marketing is a brilliant traffic producer and method of pre-selling your buyers. For more tips on how to generate traffic and sales, visit her Article Marketing page to download a free copy of 77 Ways to Get Traffic. No email required.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

In a nutshell, SEO is "All of the techniques used to get your site noticed and indexed on all of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN".

Why is SEO so important?

The number one way in which people find websites is through search engines, so achieving a high ranking in your keywords (typically the first page or 1-10 in the engine) is the best way to drive traffic to your site. With a quality ranking, the investment is invaluable, it is much like "free" advertising 24/7/365.

How can you become SEO friendly?

Although the methods of SEO is virtually endless, here are some of the most important factors of getting that top-spot.

  • Domain age - Search engines love a seasoned site, one that has been around for several years and proves to be beneficial for the users.
  • Relevant, clean, new content - You need to make sure your site has fresh content and is updated regularly. The search engines like this and so do your visitors.
  • No Flash - Flash is a great multimedia tool but is typically frowned upon for SEO, the text and content within the Flash piece cannot be seen by search engines, thus it cannot be implemented into your SEO progress. A major downer is having a flash intro, a flash intro page acts as a barrier between the main page and the rest of the content that lies within your site.
  • Meta tags - Meta tags are invisible tags that are used by search engines to categorize your content.
  • Heading tags - Heading tags (h1) should be used on the headline or most important and relevant factor of your page heading tags should also be used on the keywords which you think users will be searching for that will lead to your site.
  • Site maps - Site maps is a link by link breakdown of your site. They help search engine "spiders" navigate through your site and index each individual page.

What not to do for SEO

  • Keyword Stuffing - Keyword stuffing is jam packing your content with your main keywords to the point that your content no longer makes sense.
  • Invisible content - Invisible content that is not intended for users to see but used to fill your page with keywords will quickly put you on a search engine's bad side.
  • Too many h1 tags
  • Link farms - Link farms are basically individual pages with numerous links to other sites.

Over doing any of the what not to do can result in your site being "sandboxed" which will exclude your site from the search engine altogether. Being "sandboxed" may last forever, years or months.

How long will a good ranking take?

SEO is a very time-dependent practice. Even if you practice good SEO techniques, don't expect results for up to 6 months or even more. Be patient and the investment will pay off greatly.

Your investment will pay off

Although the exact ROI of your SEO services is virtually incalculable due to its lengthy timeframe, experts agree that SEO is the most cost-effective marketing strategy if done correctly.

To get quality results without any personal time dedicated into your SEO operations, consider hiring a qualified SEO firm such as Revived Media to handle the task.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

In this article we show you how to promote your web site for free using reciprocal links and online directories.

Reciprocal Link Meaning

Firstly, what does 'reciprocal link' mean?
Reciprocal link means that a web site links to yours and you link to theirs. This type of link exchange is most often free since both sides have something to gain. Whilst there are many reciprocal link exchange services online, it is simple enough to do yourself and thereby save money.

Building reciprocal links for your online company or business is necessary if you are going to get any free traffic to your web site.

Promoting Your Website With Links

Whether you want to promote your small or work-at-home-based internet business or indeed any type of web site, your first call should be link trading. The beauty of link trading is that it is a free, simple and very effective way to promote your business which is recognised by Google and therefore can increase your position in a related search.

Where many small business web site owners go wrong in this area is that they desperately gather every possible link; this may seem a good idea because your name will be 'everywhere' but, alas, it is not a good idea because if you link to a bad site Google will lower your place in a related search...Google and other related search engines count for most of the traffic to your web site so play fair!

Links from related web sites with high Google Page Rank are the best way to promote your web site for free so long as you play by the rules:

Here are a few tips on what Google looks for in determining your 'Page Rank' and ultimately your place in the results of a related search :

1. Links from Blogs and press releases are likely to increase the traffic to your web site.

2. Links from 'link trading farms' and 'banner exchanges' are likely to decrease your rank. The reason being that your are getting a link from a web site which has a subject not related to your own.

3. Links from .edu, .gov and .org web sites add 'importance' to your web site and will help your search engine position.

4. Links to your site using some of your'Devon web design by' are worth far more than an animated banner.

5. Links from a related web site that has a good Google Page Rank are worth their weight in Gold!

Finding Link Partners.

Go to Google and type link: replacing the 'sitenamehere' with the domain name of your competitor. You will now be shown a list of web sites that link to your competitor; visit each one of these sites and assess their Page Rank - you want to exchange reciprocal links with the highest ranking sites if possible.

You can find out a Page Rank by installing the Google Toolbar. If you'd rather not install the Google toolbar you can get a nice, simple program from that will tell you the Google PR of any web address you type into it.

How To Request A Reciprocal Link

Once you have found a site with good PR (start with sites with PR2 and work your way up the ranks as yours increases), request a link trade with a nice email such as the one below:

Dear Colleague

I am writing to request a link exchange on behalf of, a new online store that focuses on the sportswear market and offers discounts of up to 50% and free shipping worldwide.

I believe your web site would appeal to the same visitors as ours and ask you to consider linking to us at I would appreciate you letting me know whether you are accepting new link and / or when the link has been posted.

For your convenience I have added a title, description, URL and keywords below.

Thank you for your time.

Your Signature text

Online Directories - Be Found For Free!

Another way to promote your web site for free is to get listed in related online directories. To find out which directories you should list in, go to Google and type the subject of your web site followed by 'directory'.

For the best results in your reciprocal link building campaign, it is advised you submit to the top 10 results.

How To Add A Link To Your Website

Not all links are reciprocal - some online directories do not require a link from your site to theirs=easy and free ! However, most links are reciprocal which means you will need to add a link to their web site on your own. For persons who want to trade a lot of links, we suggest you create a seperate 'Links' page or contact us for a quote

Adding one or two links to a page is relatively simple and can be achieved by following the instructions below :

1. Cut and paste the code provided by your link partner. Typical code looks something like this : Affordable Devon web design

2. Once you have copied the code you need to add it to your web site. To do this, open the folder where you store your web site files and locate the page you want the link to appear on. Make a copy of this page in case you make an error.

3. Right click the page file and 'Open With - Notepad'. You will now see a lot of 'funny writing' which is HTML - the coding language of a web site. Scrolling through the HTML of your page, find a suitable place to paste the link then click 'Save'.

4. Now double-click the file and you will see where you have added the link (if it looks strange you have added the link in an incorrect place and need to move it).

5. Finally, upload the changes to your web site so that the ammended page appears online. This is done by 'FTP' which you can learn about at

Learn more at The affordable Devon web design professionals.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Profit in printing is obtained largely by the ability of the man who is "it" in the establishment. We have all noted how the great publishers tend to fall to decay when the light goes out that led them to success. Ability can find a way through many difficulties; without ability the finest collection of printing machinery will not return the cost of operation.

A few start small, virtually as amateurs, and build up. In the early 20th century, one of the most noted of these was A. E. Chasmar, who developed such exceptional taste in fine printing that his work was known clear across the continent. But usually the man who can make money and build up a plant has to be found. It takes a strong man at the helm to pilot the publishing craft into the harbor of steady profits, and continual good judgment to maintain such position when gained. The personal touch always seems to rise superior to conditions and to rules.

So far as I have observed, the large establishments are always built up by men who know thoroughly their trade, being well grounded in the details of their calling and familiar with the allied arts. Two sorts of ability are necessary the sort that goes to produce good printing, and the sort that can handle the finances successfully. Successful men have an exceptional ability to recognize what they are looking for when they see it, and we can all point to many other examples.

Large capital will make a printing plant go, if the capital can find the right managerial ability; but it is scarce. A printing office investment is a dangerous one for large capital, because of this necessity for brains of a certain type to secure profitable results. But large capital without the right ability will not win out, though it may keep a large publisher going for a long time, thus having a greater chance to find the right man to run it profitably.

See the top two 100% recommended online printing services at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

So there are 2 beautiful women talking to you like they've known you all your life, wanting to tell you how easy it is to earn a massive income online. Are you dreaming...or maybe you've died and gone to heaven? Of course not, you've just been exposed to Jeff Paul's Shortcuts To Internet Millions. But is Jeff really going to reveal to you shortcuts to millions? Or is he simply lining his own pocket?

Well straight from the top I'll tell you that becoming an online millionaire doesn't happen out of the blue, and that should straight away tell you that something isn't right about this deal. Sure, if you had a substantial sum of money to invest, you possibly could hit the jackpot with either red or black, but from a business point of view it just won't happen.

So how do people eventually go on to earn huge incomes online? Well, the truth is that anyone can do it. With the Internet evolving so much, it's now possible for anyone with any level of experience to at least earn some extra cash online. What is important is choosing a mentor with a proven record...someone that will give you experienced guidance on what is a very dangerous, but extremely profitable business. Unfortunately, Jeff Paul won't do that for you, despite how appealing his shortcuts to millions might be.

Making money online certainly is possible, but let me tell you from experience that it doesn't happen overnight. If you're prepared to put in a bit of effort, you might one day find yourself in the position of earning a very comfortable income online. But do me a favour...don't ever fall for someone that tells you they will make you millions online because it just won't happen, and that definitely applies to Jeff Paul and his Internet millions.

So if Jeff Paul's not going to make you money online, who is? This Jeff Paul's Shortcuts To Internet Millions website will tell you a lot more about this shady deal and why it really sucks.

I'll also show you a real method for making a steadily growing income online, as used by 1000's of ordinary people from all walks of life. They've seen the light, and you can see how by watching this video.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

You too can fail at article marketing! It's true! It's easy to fail, and your profits and traffic will shrink! All you have to do is simply follow these 6 easy to use steps. If you use these steps, I assure you, your article marketing will fail! I promise.

How to fail at article marketing in 6 easy steps

  1. By not putting bullet points or by not breaking up your articles in paragraphs, your readers will hate your article. This is a good and easy way to fail. All you have to do is just write without pressing the enter button or by not pressing the list button. Readers don't like to read long and annoying paragraphs, so this is an easy way for you to fail at article marketing.
  2. Putting too many grammatical errors can get your readers to quickly click out of your article. Be lazy and don't take the time to press the spell check button! You can loose tons of traffic and destroy your reputation by doing this. So implement it into your article marketing quickly!
  3. Choose the keywords that are most unrelated to your article or that have the fewest amount of search volume, this can make your article views lower. Just choose the worst working keywords, and your article views will amount to zero or less. It's as simple as that.
  4. Don't put your keyword in the first three words of your articles title! You'll get a higher page ranking, and you don't want that!
  5. Put tons of links in your resource box. It will look unprofessional and sloppy. This way, readers won't even click on your link! For even fewer amounts of link clicks, write a really long resource box. At least 15% of your articles length should be good enough, or about a paragraph.
  6. Make your articles long. Try to get over 600 words. Readers may dislike it when your articles are long! This will get them to click out of your article very quickly!
These simple to use article marketing failing strategies are promised to get you to fail in a week or less! Try them out, they are easy to do, and you can see the worst results you can ever see!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is a proven method of increasing traffic to your web site, and even people who claim they can't write a sentence can take advantage of it. Follow a few simple steps that will teach you to write articles -- articles that can mean more subscribers for your list and more sales of your product or service.

1. Choose a title that really grabs attention.

You're never going to get someone to read your article unless the headline grabs them and pulls them in. You're going to be competing against hundreds or thousands of other articles and in many cases, people will be scanning down a long list of titles to decide which article to read. Make yours stand out.

Here are some sample headlines you can use for your article titles:

  • How to _________ In _________ Steps.
  • How to _________ In _________ (Time Frame).
  • The Real Secret to Quickly ______________.
  • Top 2 Ways to ________________.
  • 3 Little Known Tips for _____________.
  • The Hidden Costs of ________________.

You may recognize those templates -- they're the foundation for many classic headlines that have made millions of dollars over the years. There's also software available that will crank out dozens of great article titles and all you have to do is fill in a few blanks.

2. Come up with 3-5 points of interest.

You can't throw everything and the kitchen sink into your article, and while one point can sometimes be expounded on for 500 - 700 words (the article length you should be shooting for) it's often best to go for 3 - 5 main points in your article.

If you write about 100 words for each point, add another hundred each for your opening and closing summary, you're right on the money for the required length. And, you won't overwhelm the reader with too much information.

3. Catch their interest with a great opening sentence.

You use the title to capture their attention, and then your opening line is what's used to lead them into the body of the article. Here are a few things you can do to lure in the reader...

  • Ask a question.
  • Make a startling statement.
  • Use an emotion hook.
  • Lay out a problem.

Let me quickly give you a quick swipe file of some opening sentences that I've created - which you can modify as you see fit for your own articles - that are proven to get readers further into your content:

4. Close with a non-subtle call to action.

Your title gets their attention, your opening sentence leads them into the body, and your body should make them interested in your product or service. And that should lead them directly to the desired action.

After all, you're not writing an article just to give your fingers a work-out, you want the reader to do something other than just flip to the next article or web site.

After your article is your resource box where you'll make the actual call to action. What you need to do with the last part of your article is to make a transition between the two -- lead the reader right from the end of the article into the call to action.

One way to do that is to summarize the points you made in your article and then your resource box references something related to those points. That will draw the reader into the offer you're making and encourage them to click your link.

Now you've written your article and given the reader some good information, and you've create a call to action they've taken. They arrive at your web site to see... what?

Bonus Point:

No matter what product or service you're selling, your top priority should be to get prospects onto your list. A large responsive list can mean the difference between a hobby and a business. Which means when people click through from your article, you should have an opt-in form front-and-center.

Come up with a free report, mini-course, etc., and offer that in your article's resource box. Place that offer at the top of your page and after someone joins your list, redirect them to a sales page showing the product or service you're promoting.

Jay Jennings created Article Architect, software that helps you write articles to drive more traffic to your business. To see how Article Architect can help your online business, go to and see how it's helped other internet marketers.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Question - When is writing more articles detrimental to you?

Answer - When what you write is useless cr*p.

There seems to be a preponderance around article marketing sites that the more articles you write the better your return will be. Well, that may be the case if you are an Adsense marketer. However, what is the point of pumping out one useless, barren, valueless article after another if your intention is to get people to click through to your website? Quite simply, there is NONE!

There is a mathematical LAW that is called the "Multiplication Factor of Zero." Basically, what that means is that anything multiplied by zero is still zero. I have a saying that I use quite often which is: "Three fifths of five eighths of nothing is still nothing."

Pumping out dozens or even hundreds of poorly structured, grammatically incorrect, boring, useless, rubbishy articles will only hurt you in the long run. People will see your name and immediately peg you as a purveyor of junk and nonsense. Word gets out folks. Think about it. You probably already know the names of some people who have so completely bored you in the past with such mindless drivel that you wouldn't read another thing with their name on it in a pink fit.

So, having said all that, when is writing more articles beneficial to you?

Answer - when you become known for supplying good, solid information that people can use. The high views can then be used to click through to your website(s) for more information.

Look at your statistics. Are you getting a lot of views? Are you getting a decent click through rate? If you aren't then there is absolutely no point in writing more of the SAME articles because all you will achieve by that is getting more of the same with a greater volume. It will only be a waste of everybody's time - mostly yours.

By examining your statistics you can "tune" your articles for better results. When you keep doing this you will get more views and your click through rate will climb. Even better, you will develop a good name and people might even begin to search for your articles rather than run away from them whenever they see your name.

Research your statistics and give people more of what they want and you, too, will benefit from the exercise. Everybody will WIN!

Even though I have written quite a number of articles on this subject I don't have an Article Marketing website. I write these articles for education purposes only because I am sick of seeing junk. If you search on my name you will find the others. But I do have a wealth creation website. So, if you think that I have presented you with valuable information in this article and you want to know about how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then, click HERE.

Why You Should Treat Each Page On Your Site As An Individual Site

THE TITLE and META TAGS are the pieces of information that search engine robots read to include in your listing on their index. Each page on your site should have a unique Title, Keyword and Description.

Focus your attention on the content of the individual page when you are creating the title. Your page title should include a keyword from the page. The TITLE tag is THE most important information for the search engine robot; it should be easy to know what your page is about from your title tag. So the title tag for a page from could be:

"Music Downloads from Rio de Janeiro"

The DESCRIPTION tag for each of your web pages should summarize the content on that page. One paragraph of three sentences is enough. For example:

"Download the exciting music of Carnivale in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Order your Music of Carnivale compact disc and the DVD of the 2006 Carnivale."

Make sure that your KEYWORDS are unique to the page content. Use the keyword research you have from your domain name creation for your keywords. For our example site,, the keywords could be: "music, musicians, world music, music videos, compact discs, music downloads, mp3 music downloads".

Avoid "keyword stuffing" where keywords are used to the point where the content does not make sense and "invisible text" creating blocks of keyword text in the same color as the background of your site and using keywords that are unrelated to your page content; these practices can get you kicked off the search engines.

Find out what it takes to get better Search Engine Optimization Results

Discover new ways to get massive amounts of traffic with a little extra effort and Monetize your Website

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In order to make money on the internet you really need to have some sort of a personal web presence.

This does not necessarily mean that you need your own website. Depending upon which route you choose, many opportunities include a ready made website or page of your own.

Failing this, we can recommend Squidoo. Squidoo will create a website for you for free within 30 minutes and host it for free !!! The catch ? Well, they include Google Ads etc with your published site. However, they split the commission from any clickthroughs 50/50 with you, so there's no catch really.

You can use your Squidoo site as a "landing" page to re-direct traffic through to any affiliate programs you wish to be involved in.

Much information is available on the internet about affiliate marketing (in essence, selling other people's products).

For more details of affiliate marketing click on my link below.

Do not try and dive straight into pay-per-click etc. Like any other business, it's imperative that you learn as much as possible about it before risking your hard earned cash.

That said, there is so much information available that you can literally be guided every step of the way from resources found on the internet.

Don't forget...get rich quick (to all intents and purposes) does not exist.

Get rich slowly certainly does, and is without doubt the way to go. Take your time to learn all you can on the way and you will be increasingly likely to succeed.

Good luck



Ray Kent. I was born in 1956. Educated in London. Was responsible for ISO 9002 implementation for various Blue Chip UK Companies. Now a bum. Still own 100% of my fitness, sense of humour and mobility, 90% of my brain, 80% of my teeth, 70% of my hair and only 10% of my good looks....which is sad really because I started off ugly.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing provides an easier way for webmasters to build quality inbound links for their site that can result to impressive page ranking. When websites have good placement on search engines, it follows that they will be highly visited by online users. As a result, webmasters get more traffic, increased sales potential, and amazing increased in profits.

Here are the 6 nifty secrets to make more money through article marketing:

1. Multiply the number of your articles. The more articles you write, the more inbound links you create for your website and the more articles you make available for publishers to use. These spell out great success in this marketing technique.

2. Focus on the quality of your articles. In your effort to increase the number of your articles, make sure that you don't sacrifice the quality of your content along the way. They must still be all well-written, useful to your target market, and content-rich.

3. Do not advertise on your articles. Focus on giving your readers quality information when you write the content for your articles. You can place your sales pitch on your resource box.

4. Prioritize the needs of your readers when writing your articles. Make sure that your content is geared towards meeting the needs and demands of your potential readers.

5. Learn how to optimize your articles. It is not enough that you know the keywords that are relevant to your niche, but most importantly you must know how to strategically place them on your content so they will sound natural.

6. Your articles must be short. As the attention span of online users is significantly short, it would help if you can write articles that are not lengthy and direct to the point. This is the best way to get your message across without boring your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Promoting your products and website cannot be easier these days. With the advent of article marketing, you need not to learn technical skills nor have huge marketing budget just to create brand awareness or increase your website's traffic. You just have to write and market your articles that are relevant to your target niche and useful to your potential clients.

1. Empathize. People would feel a lot better if they know that somebody understand where they are coming from. Learn how to empathize and put yourself in the shoes of your readers. This can promote customer trust and loyalty that can end up to trusting business relationship.

2. Content. Your articles must be able to offer valuable, useful information to your readers. In addition, they must also be well-written, fact-based, scannable, and free from grammar and spelling errors to give your potential clients great reading experience.

3. Be familiar with the rules set by publishing sites. This can help you create articles that conform to the standards set by publishers so you can be assured that you won't have problems in posting your articles online.

4. Make your resource box powerful, enticing, and compelling. You would want your readers to click on your resource box; otherwise, your article marketing efforts will just go down the drain. Strive to create a resource box that can effectively move your readers to visit your website.

5. Be consistent. Don't stop writing and submitting articles even if you have attracted enough traffic to you website. This can strengthen your online presence and pull up your search engine ranking.

6. Distribute your articles on other avenues. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to your blog, website, or use them on your email marketing campaign.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Do you want to earn money on demand writing simple articles that sells? If yes, let's have a look at the whole marketing process behind this. You are going to discover why only a handful of savvy marketers earn a full time income writing articles.

It's a long process, but when you master each step, you are on the direct road to Internet success.

Savvy writers know that you need to use leverage to succeed. What does it mean? Please pay attention to the following sentence because this is the difference between a thousands of dollars in profits per month and failure.

Revealed: The biggest article marketing secret.

An article is not really an article.

An article is an agent working for you twenty four hours a day on complete autopilot because it will multiply.

From one article, you should be able to make a full product line in your niche market.

Here is how it works:

1. You write a single article, but with a different mindset. The goal of this single article is to create an outline for a more complex project.

Be sure to get every single aspect of the niche in the article. What these people want, what are their dreams and aspirations, what are their biggest frustrations.

Where do they meet and where they are going to solve their problems, etc...

When you gathered all the information you need, write this article. You are not going to write an essay here, but an outline with bullet points.

For now, do not add anything under each bullet. Just a sentence.

2. When the article is finished.

Take your first paragraphs and write about everything you think about (A brain dump).

Do the same thing for each paragraph and each bullet point. Repeat this process over and over. From one article, you should be able to get dozens of other related articles.

After a while, you will have articles on every single aspect of your niche market.

What's next?

It's time to add all these articles together and publish an short "loss leader" ebook to get customers into your marketing funnel.

What's next?

Take the same book, add more content and sell it on

This is only the beginning of the Internet cash machine money plan.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: